Thought Of The Day - The Good Old Bait And Switch

in #blog6 years ago

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Migrant Children Scandal

So the new trending headline if you haven't seen it yet, yes you are probably already asking what has the evil dictator Trump done now?

This week he has been accused of committing another human rights violation, he has been separating the poor children of of illegal migrants and asylum seekers from their parents at the boarders. Let's just explore this for a second before we get into the reasoning and why this is front page news from the majority leftist media.

This all began when a picture started circulation on twitter of a little boy in a cage, and everyone assumed it what was happening at the American boarders. Obviously before this could even be verify everyone one on the left including their cat was blaming Trump for this new immigration policy. Well the truth ends up being that these were not his policies, but those of Bush and Obama, and the Trump administration are going exactly what the previous administrations are doing. How is the blame placed at the feet of Trump, when you commit fraud and the state takes you away from your children, are there politicians jumping to save you from being ripped from your family? The only blame here is on those parents who break the law and cross the boarder illegally, that's who's fault this is.

Here is another aspect to consider, the media is calling this a human rights violation, where is the outrage and the 24 hours media coverage of the atrocities happening in Mexico? Mexico is ranked first in the world when it comes to violence, sexual abuse and homicide of children, it ranks second in the world when it comes to child pornography. But that's not as bad as being separated from you parents when they broken federal law. The left love to use children when it suits them, but killing children just before they are born is somehow is a complete different issue. The logical gymnastics you have to do is almost impossible, but people believe this bull shit.

How come these Democrats are only outraged now, this didn't seem to bother them that much when Obama did it for the last 8 years, yes boys and girls, that's because this is a distraction.

"There is nothing that is going to make people hate you more, and love you more, than telling the truth." - Stefan Molyneux

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"The idea that the State is capable of solving social problems is now viewed with great skepticism – which foretells a coming change. As soon as scepticism is applied to the State, the State falls, since it fails at everything except increasing its power, and so can only survive on propaganda, which relies on unquestioning faith." - Stefan Molyneux

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It is so obvious by now, because it happens each and every time, this is nothing more than a distraction from the Department of Justice 500 page report regarding FBI director James Comey's investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. When ever there is new evidence that destroys the two year long narrative or reflects in anyway badly on the DNC there is a new issue that is pointed out no matter how ludicrously stupid it is. The worst part is that they somehow think the people are too stupid to cotton on to their tactics, it's public relations 101. Unfortunately there are people who are willfully ignorant of the truth and are fueled by the hate of a single person, so much so that logical thinking or reasoning is impossible to attain.

I will be following this up with an in depth look at the DOJ report shortly, stay tuned.

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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Thanks for information @morkrock! আপনার কথাগুলো অনেক যুক্তি আছে!

Only a pleasure.

This scandal is like most, a tool of distraction by the Propagandist MSM.

Whenever, there is a big scandal covered day-after-day by the MSM, it is a good idea to look to International news around the world to see what else is going on... and I don't mean the BBC, or most Western news sites... they are tools of the Propagandist as well...

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