Thought Of The Day - Baby Hitler

in #blog5 years ago

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Would You Kill Baby Hitler?

About a week ago "Baby Hitler" popped up on Twitter and ended up trending a few hours later.
The reason this happened was because someone shared a video of Ben Shapiro asking, a hypothetical moral question. If you could magical travel back in time to when Hitler was a baby, would you kill baby Hitler, like in the deleted scenes of the last Deadpool movie. And surprisingly 42% of people that read the New York Times said they would, which is rather alarming, because even Deadpool couldn't force himself to do it in a fictional story. Unsurprisingly the majority of folks who are perfectly fine with killing a baby just happens to be the progressive left.

Before I continue, or before you carry on reading, just so that I do not influence what you would do, answer the question in the comments below and then come back and continue reading.

This virtue signaling of moral superiority is really not what they seem to think it is, and is in no way virtuous. It's a thought experiment for a reason, and it has very little to do with Baby Hitler and much more to do with you as a the person making this choice.

"The 'morality of compromise' sounds contradictory. Compromise is usually a sign of weakness, or an admission of defeat. Strong men don't compromise, it is said, and principles should never be compromised." - Andrew Carnegie

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"Rights are not a matter of numbers - and there can be no such thing, in law or in morality, as actions forbidden to an individual, but permitted to a mob." - Ayn Rand

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Here thing thing, if you decide to kill baby Hitler, you are basically saying that this baby is inherently evil, and not matter what happened in his life or all that time leading up to him actually becoming Hitler, had absolutely no influence on him. He would have ended up being responsible for the Holocaust no matter what, and that there is very dangerous logic. It's also very much flawed logic, because try applying that to anyone else. What if Hitler didn't live with the parents he lived with, what is he went to a different school or had different friend, what if he lived in a different country, there are a billion things you can do rather than kill an innocent baby. And no matter how you look at it, baby Hitler is not yet responsible for the actions of Adolf Hitler the leader of the Third Reich. You might as well do the same by killing baby Obama to stop him from becoming the president who dropped the most bombs in human history.

The point of this thought experiment is to see if you are morally consistent with your own moral principals, would you forsake them if you thought you could save millions of people. My answer would be no, the ends do not ever justify the means. The most important part of all this is the procedure, how did you do to get to the end result. By saying yes you would kill the baby, you think that there would be a good moral out come to an immoral act of murdering a baby.

Did my opinion maybe influence your decision to kill baby Hitler, that's was the point I was trying to illustrate.

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Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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It's so funny, we were talking about it with my wife yesterday, after watching a Youtube video, and we both agreed that someone else would have probably replaced Hitler. WW2 was a culmination of severals factors leading to it, massive ideological changes, global financial crisis, raise of national socialism across Europe and the world, and a lots of companies benefited from both side of the war, and thrived in this economy.
So another pawn would have emerged and took Hitler's role to fulfill the very same global agenda.

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