Do we create our own thoughts or are we in a network? My big question. Pls help me and tell me your opinion:-)

in #blog6 years ago

Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza

Another question that always concerns me, are we really the producers of our thoughts? We've all had creative brainwaves many times in our lifes. But they just came out of nowhere. All the parameters seem to have fit together in such a way that this thought emerged as a result. But we did not actively create this thought.
Watch your next thoughts and ask how they are created, then you will notice that they are just coming, you can only give a sense of emotion, but nothing concrete.

Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza

It's like a network is going to create a thought for us and we're just the chemistry kit.
This should not sound antispiritual, on the contrary I am completely spiritual, but I want to scientifically approach the matter. This network could be anything like God, our higher self, or whatever you ultimately believe.
I hope to find a few discussion partners at some point because I am looking for new insights all my life.

Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza


A Brief History of the Study of Consciousness, Stuart Hameroff

Really dear friend I think that everyone is responsible for their thoughts, as I am also a faithful believer that we attract what we think, I personally like to always think positive to attract great blessings to my life, always have to seek to be light in the dark.

I am of the belief that we are not our thoughts. We are the observer of our thoughts. We are not completely in control of our thoughts, because outside forces and people can affect and change them. However, I believe that with practice, patience, mindfulness and with meditation, we can learn to control our thoughts more and more.

As Louis Hay says: "Every thought we think is creating our future. It doesn't matter what sort of thoughts you used to think in the past. It only matters what thoughts we are CHOOSING to think, in this moment."

I strongly believe in the Law of Attraction, and that our thoughts can, and DO create our realities. They create the situations, the encounters, and the people coming into our lives. So if we can get good at choosing good, positive, high-vibe thoughts, we can create good, positive experiences.

That being said, I think that thoughts are not US, they are something that comes THROUGH us, similar to what you said in your post. I think thoughts can find us, ideas can come through us, especially if we open ourselves up and learn to relax into "no thought", then more ideas can come flowing through us. But this is why people can have the same thought at the same time. Or why people can have the same idea (like an idea for a book, for example), on separate sides of the world.

This is collective consciousness. All of the thoughts anyone thinks up is actually something the entire universe has thought up, and happens to be flowing through an individual. We should not hold onto our thoughts as if they are "ours", for thoughts are simply something flowing into us, through us, and often right on out of us.

Thanks for making me stretch my mind a bit this morning with your post @monkeydnima :)

whatever is happening ..either personal thought or collective, All of it is happening within the Self. So its quite paradoxical to say that if I am creating it or its happening in a network..!! because Whatever is happening, there has to be a witness to realize that..!! So I think trying to understand the nature of that witness mode within us can solve some riddles..

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