Random Peculiar Post #2

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


What to say when there's nothing to say?

For centuries people asked themselves: Where do we come from?
Just like the question in the title, it came from nowhere.
In order for us to answer those questions, we seek for evidence that leads us to the real answer.
Until then we have to deal with the part of our body which asks those questions: The Almighty Brain, Commander of Our Body, Master of the Memory, Tamer of the Vicious and Governor of Future Decisions .
Just one blink of an eye and the next morning you can find yourself in Tibet all because of this enigmatic red or white, gray or black guy. How can we stop him from taking over the wheel of our body? Eh, that's a question for another day...(brain is in command now)

Brain: See, there were these two guys in a lunatic asylum and one night they decide they don't like living in an asylum any more. They decide they’re going to escape!

So like they get up on to the roof, and there, just across the narrow gap, they see the rooftops of the town, stretching away in moon light stretching away to freedom. Now the first guy he jumps right across with no problem. But his friend, his friend daren't make the leap. Y'see he's afraid of falling

So then the first guy has an idea. He says "Hey! I have my flash light with me. I will shine it across the gap between the buildings. You can walk across the beam and join me." But, the second guy just shakes his head. He says "What do you think I am, crazy? You would turn it off when I was half way across."

Me: What was that about?
Brain: I thought you humans like jokes.
Me: Yea, but why tell it all of a sudden?
Brain: I saw it today and thought it was funny. Even Batman laughed.
Me: We saw it, remember? You are in my head. Can't deny it was funny though.
Brain: Oh, seems like I'm getting a little old.
Me: Can we go back to our philosophical nonsens mission now?
Brain: About that... I am a little tired, let's continue tomorrow.
Me: Nope, we are doing this now, it is very important for the mission that we do it today.
Brain: Okay, okay...

So where were we? (Brain: Seriously? You put this question in this post with no reason even if you already know where you were and can even scroll up and see where you were. You clearly need to read more to freshen up your brain. Oh yeah, me.)
Our pleasures change day by day. We can say that fulfilling our desires and pleasures still don't answer our numerous questions about life and how it started but it can mean something we do not understand yet. Is it wrong to say that fulfilling them is our goal in life? Maybe not. (Brain: Please stop, besides you, who else is going to read this? I am working my ass off, figuratevly of course, to keep you awake and what do you do? You use your free time to write foolish things and bore me at the same time. Just go to bed, please. Someday, I swear I am gonna put you in an asylum, he he...)
So what should I talk about? Food, movies, space things, boobs? That's the things you like and and..... wait.... I like those things too. Oh you manipulative, son of an unknown source...just leave me alone!! (Brain: If I leave you alone, will you please use normal tabs? Your internet providers can see your incognito history too, you know?)
You have jokes in your schedule? Let's see what you got when I go to sleep, ***hole.)
( Brain : I hope you know I can keep you awake all night and think of scary things... -- picture of a mic dropped on the ground inserted in your mind--.)tumblr_ot9xn39OQ01qfjwsso1_1280.jpg


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