They Purged Me and I Couldn't Care Less

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


Without naming names, a member here publicly announced that he was kicking me out of his group because I wasn't helpful to the other members. Yeah. He basically shamed me for it in a blog post.

This person had created a group for Steemians helping other Steemians back in the late spring or early summer. Of course it was a great opportunity he had created to increase the odds of everyone in the group being successful. His heart was certainly in the right place. I can appreciate that a lot of work is involved to keep others accountable so they are helping others to be helped. I also understand that in order to get the gains you want, you have to put out.

I had a lot going on over the last few weeks and I won't go into details over what has happened at this point. The only thing I can say is that there have been drastic changes happening within my family and hoping it is all for the better in the long run.

I didn't have a lot of time to even blog let alone help other group members. So I can appreciate the fact that the group owner was not happy with my lack of participation. Understandably so, it had to fall to the least of my priorities during that time.

The fact that I was kicked out of the group is not the issue. Since I was unable to help at the time it was completely understandable. The issue I have is that I was publicly shamed for not participating in the group and that I was being kicked out. I'm sorry but that is just not cool.

He said he tried reaching out to me, and well no. He never did. He never private messaged me and asked me if I was on board. If I recall I even stated in that Facebook group that I wasn't going to be blogging for some time. So no he never reached out to me personally but went ahead to humiliate me anyway.

However I think it is all for the best since some members of that group don't care for my honesty and think that I am too negative. No. What I am is real and those who have said that about me clearly have their heads stuck in clouds with their rose coloured glasses on while their egos are being constantly inflated. That will make another blog post all together.

Anyway yeah I'm irked that instead of me being approached about the fact I was going to be kicked out privately (and I would have agreed), the world had to hear about it instead. No loss in the end as it appears anyway.

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Not cool. there's definitely a big disconnect with some groups here in that expectations are set too high. Like, learn to know your members. That way you can find out with relative ease why a person is struggling. i.e. - as you said, reach out, ask. Don't worry you'll always Have a home over in steemit dreamit. ❤

@chelsea88 I know you are a genuine person and thank you!

You're most welcome!!

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