Are you afraid of climate change?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

What is your darkest fear? Most people are moved to take action by their fears. Sometimes our fears are brought into sharp focus by catastrophic events. Dying oceans and lakes,rivers.Polluted air. Toxic drinking water in your home, disastrous hurricanes, long drought and endless wildfires.An increase in the severity of unusual weather events have brought fear in the hearts of mankind.

There is a survey by the Chapman University each year,they call it 'Survey of American Fears',and in 2017 it provided an in-depth examination into the fears of average Americans. They focused on 80 different fears and ranked them according to the survey's Chapman's chart lists America's top 10 fears. And last year was the first time ever,when four (!) of the top 10 fears were related to climate change and environmental disasters. The decrease of safe and clean natural waters, toxic tap water, global warming, and air pollution are now made it to the top 10 worst fears.

And if natural disasters wouldn't be enough, there are very negative political events as well. Americans had faith in the Environmental Protection Agency, but the current EPA director decided not to enforce major pollution laws, and on the top of it, fired the EPA's entire Science Advisory Board. No advice, no research and nobody cares.People,like you and me,have to realize we are on our own,and we can't expect help from our elected officials.We are the ones who need to save this planet for future generations.

Look for example how the state and local government of Flint Michigan failed (never cared) to protect the city's residents from lead poisoning! But it's not just them, the subsequent discovery of lead and other toxins in almost every major city water supplies have made people fear that their water is not safe to drink. I personally never drink from our tap,I rather spend money on buying clean water for my family (and still test that one too).

Unfortunately lot of Americans think the results of climate change won't happen anytime soon. That is one of the biggest mistake we can make.Many studies show that climate change is already causing devastating problems all over the world and the US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord is a clear sign the current administration will do nothing to prevent further damage.

'So what should I do?' you might ask.'I have no power,I'm not a politician,or a rich person' I hear these excuses a lot,every day. Change always starts with you.Change your truck to a smaller,gas saver car.Buy a bicycle and use it for short trips.Turn the lights off in an empty room.Install solar panels on your house if possible.Pull your assets from corporate banks and open an account with a local credit union.(corporate banks invest your money into fracking,and pipelines without your permission)Eat more locally grown,organic vegetables and fruits.Organic farming is one way to combat climate change.
Action and participation is the antidote for what fear can create, a feeling of helplessness. Even with the carelessness of the government and the EPA to protect the environment, we can still do it by using market forces. Exercise the power of your citizenship, and pressure your elected representative to support action on climate change.Never vote for a candidate who does not speak up against corporate greed,or worse,takes money from the fossil fuel industry.

You have all the tools you need to fight for a better future,so let's do it together!

Let me know in the comment sections below what else is there that you can do on your own,in your household to combat climate change.Thank you for reading,love you all!


Nice article @mindreader , Climate change is gonna drastically affect the life of the present as well as the future generations. If we don't take any actions to prevent climate change, our future generations will never forgive us for sure. It's the right time to forget whether we all belong to either the developed or the developing nation, and we all should work unitedly for preserving this earth and mother nature.

Agreed.What do you think,how we should start?

You are wrong there will be now future Generations when climate change is kicking in.

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