This one time when it snowed in Barcelona...

in #blog7 years ago

So it happened. We had snow in the city!

To be honest, to my Polish standards, that wasn't snow. ;) Because of the plus temperature (3 C) it all instantly melted covering streets in giant puddles. Kids were excited though! :D
Now has been just very cold, even though it's on plus it feels much colder because of humidity and sea.

That's the view from my window:

And these are some randoms pictures I took on the way from work.



I understand what you are talking about, this is joke about snow :) @milenamilak, but it's snow :)

How's weather like in your country now? :) it's been snowing in Poland

snow in Barcelona , interesting ....:D

it was interesing! but like I said, this wasn't snow to me :P it's what we're experiencing in March, when winter is already over.

Nunca he visto nieve :( espero algún día poder tocarla :) me gusta mucho tu blog, voto! (si sabes español no?)

firma 8.jpg

hola! si, lo hablo! pero ingles mucho mejor que espanol :) La verdad es que a mi no me gusta nieve... y invierno... y frio, y todo ;) me encanta sol y playita. De donde eres tu?

Okok :D yo soy de Venezuela, País tropical... me imagino que ya te debe cansar la nieve, seguramente a mi me cansaría también xD pero bueno, aun quesea una vez en la vida me gustaría experimentarla :D encantado de conocerte

Okok :D I am from Venezuela, tropical country ... I imagine that you should tire the snow, surely I would also get tired xD but well, even if I once in my life would like to experience it: D happy to meet you.

Aiii, Venezuela! Me encantaría viajar a los países de Sud América algún día. Mi pareja es de Argentina pero nunca he estado allí. Encantada de conocerte :) muchísimas gracias por todos tus comentarios!

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