The Un-schooling Fugitives are Fighting To Clear Their Names.

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


A few weeks ago we had to flee our country under threats from the Swedish school board, they said that our child will be taken from us if we did not send her to school.

We knew that it was within the law to travel with our children without having to send them to school but when our application for leave got turned down and the threats started to come we decided to flee to the nearest un-manned border because we also knew of homeschooling families being torn apart and children being taken by the evil Swedish CPS, such as the case of Domenic Johansson who was forcibly removed from a plane as his family tried to flee the country.

They may look human but they have no hearts.


A lot of my work here on steemit will now be dedicated to exposing these monsters that have kidnapped or attempted to kidnap children from home/unschooling parents in both Sweden, Germany and any other country which has decided they now have full ownership of all children born under their dictatorship.

But first we shall clear our names so we can live without ever having to worry about having our child taken from us again.

This is our Marley, we do not own her, we are just here to guide and protect her, especially from evil monsters such as the Swedish CPS. The easy option would be to never go back to Sweden but we know we have the right to do what we are doing and we will not spend our lives running from this.

We are fighting back and it looks like we are starting to get somewhere, after weeks of emails with the school director we have finally got her to admit that we are within the LAW and as long as Marley is not in Sweden under school time then we can continue travelling legally with OUR child.

This would seem like a victory but we do not trust these people.

Who knows where we go from here but one thing is for sure, they now have one angry Father who is hell bent on exposing their atrocities to the world.

Peace and love to the World.




snap - thanks for keeping us posted - pray for peace and safe opportunities for your families new life

Thank you for your prayer @breakthrough

you got it man - thanks for living in conviction and purpose - your process is making people better

Hi friend hope you are doing great, you had done a great job for protecting Marley from the monster. you are an wonderful papa, they are lucky to be your children. You fought for your right, may god give you the every power, so that you can secure their bright future. God bless you and your family, have a happy time friend.

Thank you dear friend, we are doing our best to guide our children, we always ask them how they feel and what they want in life.

Thanks for stopping by @maya7

Praying and hoping for the safety and well being of your family!! It is sad that the system works in the way it pleases with the least disregard for other people's interests. I hope Marley and the other children are doing well. Stay strong friend as "everything shall pass" and better day are always ahead :) Lots of love <3

Thank you @poohs for your prayers and hopes. It's a shame that the system seems to be devouring everything in it's path.

We are all well and enjoying some sun in the south of Spain :)

I am glad that you guys are well and enoying :) Always nice to see your family living life to the fullest!! :)

One step at a time. If all of us could start small with fighting for our rights then we together can do great things. I commend your bravery and persistence. You exposing the truth will only help others in the long run. Awareness is everything~ Stay encouraged Whittam family, you have many supporters and prayers are constantly coming your way.

Yes @crosheille one step at a time will win the race in the end, I do believe we the people will combat these kinds of injustices when enough people are aware of them.

Thanks for your support.

Turtle always wins. The few children not indoctrinated will be the ones responsible for the rest of the lot in 15-20 years. Hugs and prayers. Don't ever give up!

Don't trust anybody! Who's to say that the minute you set foot on Swedish soil they won't sue you for 'neglecting' your child's education? Is she enrolled with some umbrella-school? Parents in Romania have their kids enrolled in American schools, just in case authorities come snooping around. We haven't had any cases so far, but we feel we need to be covered.

Yes @ladyrebecca we have started to look into having Marley enrolled in an umbrella school but I think we are just going to become English or Portuguese citizens so they don't have any powers over our children.

It's so disturbing that we are at the point in time that has been dreamed of for so long by the evil controllers of our planet, and feared for so long by the the rest of us. This IS the NWO, it's not coming, it's here. I'm hoping for the best and safe passage. Godspeed.

It does seem that way @smallmajority
Let's hope everyone is not too Brainwashed to stand up against it.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

This is really shocking to read my friend, how come you are not allowed to raise your kids as you wish? This is really crazy stuff, i never thought such practice going on in Sweden!
You are doing the right thing mate, expose these monsters!

Sadly @progressivechef it seems "OUR" children are the property of the state, because in countries like Sweden, the parents and children no longer have a say.

Oh I will do my best to Expose these vermin.

Thanks buddy!

It's crazy to see how they are stealing all our liberty away, these monsters. Well i'm lucky for now, as we don't have these types of treatment for the time being in Mauritius, but we never know what can happen in the future!

The six may be smiling but their eyes tell all. They have a stick up their (&(&** and they like the power. They do things for the children they say but that is not true. They are hurting families and especially the children. They are cold and uncaring and only interpret the law the way they want to. Karma will catch up to them.

You are doing the right thing Mark and I wish you all the success and determination. You are not only fighting for your daughter but you are helping other children and families by being a role model. Take care!

That's a very good observation @cabbagepatch, I would say you are a very good judge of character and you have a great understanding of people.

I believe we are doing the right thing and our children are happy with our decisions as there are very much involved in our decisions making process :)

Thanks for the feedback, take care!

Its an important fight, because if we do not fight back when will they ever end, with their nonsetical policies. We are born free and freedom we shall have. Thanks for sharing Mark and family

Thank you @mackjez-santos

I believe it's a fight that can be won, and hopefully in a peaceful manner, freedom will be ours my friend.

I was just wondering about you guys. Thanks for the update and all the best to you.

Thank you @aboutyourbiz

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