Our Quest To Find or Build an ECO-COMMUNITY

in #blog8 years ago (edited)


Imagine the World where sharing and caring were the only currencies.
Before money, we all lived in communities, working together as a single organism, everybody within this community had a purpose, a worth.

This has long since been wiped out by the invention of money, with money comes greed and the illusion of the self, thinking that the self is the most important entity and forgetting that we are actually all connected and that we really need each other to survive.

The Community can only survive with everyone working together as a unit, money changed all this. You could not survive on your own before money came along, now you can just buy your own survival.


The problem with replacing the community with money is MASSIVE, and it is staring us all in the face.
Crime, poverty, alcohol and drug abuse, obesity, suicide and self-harm, greed, the list's go on and on and on and on..........

There is a giant void, this empty whole within us that we all fill up with T.V social media, alcohol, shopping for kicks, but these are just temporary fix's, and always leave us yearning for more and more.


Is there any other way?
I believe so, and that is why we sold it all to go on a quest to find or build our own community, four years into our quest and we are getting closer to realising this dream.
There are many so-called eco-communities out there, but I think a lot of these are just set up to accommodate for the rise in eco-tourism, I believe this because when we contacted these so-called communities they all seem to be put off by the fact that we have kids. A community needs children.

So we are now in the process of setting up a community for Families. On our travels, we have come in contact with many families looking for the same thing, all we need now is to find the land, rule number one, the land has to have its own water source, that's the only rule.
We have been looking in the south of Spain, and the other families have been looking around Portugal and Spain.

We think one of the Families might have found a great opportunity in Portugal, so finger crossed and watch this space.
In a few months, we will hit the road again in our tinyhouse truck and this time we are not coming back!


Follow us on Steemit, on our Quest to find or build an Eco-Community for families,
and when it's all set up come and visit or even join.


Peace and love to the world


@markwhittam I am grateful to meet you. I believe communities are the wave of the future--loving, supporting, and honoring ourselves, each other, and especially the children!!

I live in the sustainable eco-village the @gardenofeden in Texas, founded by @quinneaker, a visionary of New Paradigm living. I feel you will resonate with our life and purpose. There is much to be explored and doing it together is of incredibly great value.

I am thankful to find your post and all of these lovely people commenting who also are interested in community living. Building community is one of my passions (I am immersed in building the artists' community here on Steemit), as well as conscious awakening and honoring children. Upvoting and following you.

hey @everlove. i am so glad to find you here. i would like to do a feature article in Medium on you : i would like to send you a draft for your input. i want to write something you and others in your world will be happy with.

Well, isn't that an intriguing offer @marionjoe!!! I would love to discuss with you what you have in mind. Want to chat in Steemit Chat? Give me a shout. I really love to share the magic. O would be so honored!!!

do you feel like talking now. i prefer the voice chat. no typing required. yesterday (with the help of one of the members in discord SteemSpeak) opened a voice/text chat room in discord Bit Nation : Bit Village . can we talk in there? here is the invite link ==>> https://discord.gg/3tCMu . i had an hourlong talk with @markwhittam last night on whatsap and this invite is for you also mark. i am not opening the chat room to public yet, just people that i would like to talk shop with.
and here is my steemit introduction post.

Yes I would have like that. I see the invite has expired. I didn't now such a thing existed, but I love the idea and want to chat with you.

wait a mo, i will sent one will not expire

I've opened it but don't know what to do.

stay in discord, go to text or general, i will type message for you there

Wow, this is beautiful.
Thank for taking this time to write this lovely comment, we too believe that community living is the only way.

We are totally blown away by this project you are involved in The Garden of Eden, we are following with eyes wide open.

Children are going to be at the center of this community we are building and we will be starting a free school and a forest school.

Thank you very much for reaching out to us, we appreciate it very much, and we are looking forward to sharing our experiences @gardenofeden @quinneaker and @everlove

Oh and my partner Louise is an Artist too

And this too is a great reply @markwhittam!! Grateful you are tuning in and having the opportunity to share with us from a distance. At the @gardenofeden we too are blown away, pinching ourselves everyday that this is actually our life!! If people were truly aware of these possibilities, I believe they would be knocking down our doors to get in. It's not likely a lifestyle for everyone, but those of us who find value in supporting one another, are benefitting greatly.

I'm excited to hear about your journey, especially how it unfolds for he children, as I believe one of the grandest purposes of the @gardenofeden is to hold space for the children to be honored as divine beings. Who knows, perhaps we will someday share the dream!

Very much knowledge base post. Yes it is the demanding issue of today's world. Private property , greed ,corruption and many more have overleap the world. Thanks for the valuable post. Upvoted followed.

You're very welcome, glad you liked it.
Thanks for the feedback vote and follow B)
I do believe the world is starting to realize this problem, we have met so many people who are searching for a new way of living.

Thanks for the great job. The world needs more from your type of good people. Most welcome.

You don't believe in property rights?

I must look into this before I can give you an answer :)

What a great project you guys have in front of you. Will follow this journey. Also I really liked this piece of text: "now you can just buy your own survival". It really covers the time we are living in.

Thanks Bro! It's nice to know that people actually read my posts. It's sad but true that we all buy our way through life. It's not our faults it's just the way it is, but things are changing slowly.

Thanks for the feedback Bro.

I really enjoy reading your posts! Thank you for adding value to life!

Upvoted, Highly rEsteemed and Followed.
I'm the COUNT of an Intentional County in the Western region.
I'm expecting to be building quite a few Imaginary Communities
over the coming years. And of course families will be welcomed!

Hahaha! Wow Thanks for the resteem/follow/vote
But most of all thanks for making me laugh my arse off @frankbacon
Concider yourself followed

thank you mark, i shall read again later. i love what you are doing - for you and your family . many people will be inspired to do likewise.

Thank you @marionjoe
We are really enjoying our journey and life.
If you have time, go to the bottom of my blog page to see how it all started.
Andrew never said you was on steemit, this is really cool.

yes, i already read this morning. i really appreciate your giving so much of the details. others will appreciate it too. thank you for inspiring us all. bless us all!

I wish you all the best in your endeavour... I too would LOVE to be part of an eco-community. You never know, perhaps one day my family will join you too!

May it be that we all expand our potential and possibilities a whole new world. Would love to meet up with you in it @woman-onthe-wing. So glad to see you here.

Hi @everlove... thank you :-) You are so good at making me (and others I assume) feel valued - it's a real gift!

Mirrors are incredibly valuable. Thanks for helping me to see myself! <3

Thank you very much. I think in the future we will all live this way, and anyone who cook's lovely food like you do are always welcome to our community :)

Aww thanks so much!!! :-)

I have often dreamed of living like this.
I wish you all the best in accomplishing this goal.

Dreams do come true @canadian-coconut! Living proof! <3

Thank you, I know we will make this happen, I'm very determined to make this a reality, and hey you could come and visit when it's all up and running. :)

A good foundation lies in the strength of a great community!

Yes, so true, and I believe without it we are lost.

@markwhittam hopefully we can travel to Portugal one day. I hope it all works out for you. What a beautiful country. I am now following you.

Thank you @rebeccabe I follow you too :)

I heard a lady speak on the radio about communities. You need to have people sign something. There could also be legalities depending on who owns the property. She also spoke about meetings and jobs on a type of committee. To make it work there will have to be rules.
She said when something is decided the majority must be heard and if one disagrees. The disagreement needs to be considered. And remembered in case the rule needs to be reverted.
We have thought about tiny home living and do like a simple life. Well that is enough for now. Nice to meet you my new friend. :)

Community is a very fascinating concept. After doing it for about 8 years, we (at the @gardenofeden) have experimented with many different avenues. Taking personal responsibility is the most important part, which is generally to a much higher degree than most people have ever considered to exist. We also have an incredibly strong and insightful, enlightened leader who holds space for true freedom and evolution. We have no dogma, religious views or affiliations, but base our existence on unconditional love. The golden rule is the most affective rule, and being accountable to agreements is of utmost value. It's a very powerful reality and I'm excited to see others explore the possibilities. Following you @rebeccabe. I'm sure we have much to share.

Thanks for the info, Portugal seems to be open to community living, there are many well formed communities already existing there.
Tiny home living is Amazing, the best thing we have ever done

We live in an extremely small place testing the concept out. It is a tough call because with an airstream we could travel easier. There is someone that holds retreats in Portugal. I would like to go to one of them. His name is Mooji.. not sure if you meditate ... however he teaches non duality through questions. I have listened to many of his you tube videos.

We used to have trailers/caravans but we found it hard getting into a lot of places, so we switched to a truck, and found it much easier, and because we didn't have a car we started to walk a lot more.
I don't meditate yet but it's something I read a lot about. I am really into Alan Watts and his Zen teachings at the moment

Alan Watts is great. I have listened and read some of his works. My husband attends a Zen meditation group once in awhile. I bought a bread machine at their garage sale. Just took some bread out of it. Love the smell of fresh baked bread. Where do you live?

Alan Watts is my Idol, he was so ahead of his time.
Mmmmm fresh bread :P
We live in the North of Sweden in the summers and travel round Spain Morocco in the winters

I am very much into the idea of building utopias! Independent, self-sustaining eco-systems! I really like The off grid self sufficient concepts!

Wow brilliant, this is the only way to survive when the system crashes. We have been off the grid for 4yrs, next step self sufficient.
We live in an off grid tinyhouse truck that we built :)

Yeah right!
how can you be free?, if you are required to buy everything you need?
true independence and freedom require self sufficiency...

You hit the nail on the head there,
We are the only living creatures in the universe that have to pay to live.
If you told a bunch of lions or monkeys that we had to pay for food, they would laugh in our face, and then eat us

EXACTLY!!! mans law vs. natural law! avoid accidents obey the laws of physics!!!... lol !!

Law of the land (don't cause loss or harm)
Maritime law adapted to the land (pay tax etc.)

Maritime law.. sink or swim!...lol

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