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RE: Why I quit my job today...

in #blog7 years ago

Good for you!! Congratulations and good luck!! It sounds like you didn't step completely into the unknown but already had something going to provide for yourself.
I am a podcaster and just interviewed a man who left his high paying career in 2013. He said it was the best decision he ever made and that he went from being overweight, stressed, unhealthy and angry to being happy and healthy. He said that opportunities opened for him he never imagined!!
Hope to read about how much you love your new life here. :)


Yes! My favourite word in the dictionary at the moment - opportunity. Sometimes we miss it when its right in front of us, it depends on how we look at ourselves and our lives. Whenever i get lucky in some way i always remember 'Luck is when preparation meets opportunity' - Seneca. Thankyou for your kind words.

I would love to listen to the podcast you did with that gentleman, do you have a link available?

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