Animal Farm And Venezuelan Political Situation, Events That Are Very Similars

in #blog7 years ago

Animal Farm by George Orwell is a historical novel based in the events after the Russian Revolution of 1917. Venezuelan people can compare Animal Farm with Venezuelan political situation because their events are very similar in some aspects. Its form of government is basically the same, while in Animal Farm is called animalism in Venezuela is called socialism. On the other hand both have corruption and food scarcity. In Animal Farm and Venezuelan political situation animals and people work for a better life. The differences between both events are the way the power was taken by leaders, some media reaction, and aptitude that was taken by that are consider bourgeoisies in Venezuela.


Animal Farm and Venezuelan political situation illustrate the idea expressed by Lord Acton “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Napoleon demonstrates this abuse of power in Animal Farm, as Hugo Chavez did it and Nicolas Maduro is doing in Venezuela. Napoleon represents all tyrants in history. He discredits and eliminates the competition. Chavez was as Napoleon. He lied and people believed him. He discredited and eliminated his enemies. Animal Farm and Venezuelan political situation are different in several ways. One of them is when Napoleon assumes the power. He assumes it by force because he discredits Snowball and uses the dogs to expel him, while Chavez assumed the power by vote. As everybody knows, speeches are very important to convince people when you want something, that is the reason why people elected Chavez because his speeches convinced them.

Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro with Constitution of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

On the other hand, media helped Chavez with his election campaign. Everybody knew about him for media. Snowball and Squealer represent them, because as media were with Chavez, Snowball and Squealer were with Napoleon in the Animal Revolution. Radio Caracas Television (RCTV) is Snowball and Venezolana de Television (VTV) Squealer. They are important media in Venezuela and they were when the power was taken by Chavez. As Snowball, RCTV was discredited and eliminated because it opinion was different to opinion of Chavez, while VTV always were with him and it represents his propaganda as Squealer in the book. Unlike RCTV, Snowball was expelled before Napoleon took the power, while RCTV was expelled after Chavez did it.

People marching against clousure of Radio Caracas Television.

All the countries have poor and bourgeoisie people. In Animal Farm, Mollie represents bourgeoisie and she did not care revolution. She left Animal Farm because she only wanted sugar, that it represents money. In Venezuela, some bourgeoisies were like Mollie. They did not care poor people. Some of them left Venezuela and other wanted more money and power. Nevertheless Lorenzo Mendoza, who is consider a bourgeois by Venezuelan government, lives in the country and tries to work for a better country focused in production of food and national economy. That is the reason why Venezuelan government try to discredit him and take his company.

Lorenzo Mendoza, CEO of Empresas Polar.

In conclusion, both, Animal Farm and Venezuelan political situation, have an interesting story for studying. They have many similar events but the time and the way that it occurred was not. In my opinion, Animal Farm was a good book which one may learn a lot. I think that everything happens for one reason, I do not know why but I think that is for better. We need change our point of view. To be less selfish and working together for a better country.

People defending against repression of Venezuelan security forces.


yo también hice un post comparando a Venezuela con el libro XD hace mucho tiempo , descubrí el libro por una canción llamada the nature of the beast de ice nine kills , y lo leí

Es imposible no hacer la comparación XD, yo lo leí porque me lo mandaron en la universidad, pero estaba en mi lista de próximos libros por leer, buscaré la canción, por el nombre tiene pinta de rock :3

es muy bueno tu articulo sobre como venezuela paso por todo esto and bless to you conciudadana

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