First time in Vienna, Austria, Walk Tour, Day 1/3
Hey dear Steemians,
It's been a long time since I wrote my last post and it is because my brain just stop... When you live in small town for a long time it is very depressive, same people, same days so I didn't know what should I write... My brother got some business trip for couple of days in Vienna so I decided to go with him because I can't stay in my hometown anymore, it is just couple of days trip, I know but I need that "small change" and I really hope that I will go somewhere far away and that day will come soon, I can feel it :) Ok, I will stop talking and show you some photos of Vienna :) First before we came in Vienna we stop in Belgrade to visit our friend.
First day in Vienna :) While my brother was on meeting I decided to take a walk and take some photos just for my readers :)

Also I want to share with you 2 short videos, I decided to upload it on youtube because I couldn't find option to upload video on Dtube and put the video on the end of post.
On the way home I saw theater and I wanted to see some show but unfortunatley they was closing... :(
- So, that's it for day one, not really fun but I like the change :)
- Thank you for reading my blog!
- Stay tuned for more!
Your post was resteemed👍
"When you live in small town for a long time it is very depressive, same people, same days so I didn't know what should I write."
Very true statement,Thanks for sharing your experience.
Thank you very much for reading :)
nice to see you having fun ;)
hey dudee :) it's not too much fun but I like the change :D Nice to see you :)
Hah, pa poznat mi je taj grad. Moja preporuka: Kunsthistorisches Museum!
Hvala za citanje mog bloga :) Posetila sam Kunsthistorisches muzej i stvarno je prelijepo!! Takodje :)
Ive been in Vienna before, its a very pretty city with lots of activity:)
good writing!
Yes it is, I really enjoyed there.. Thank you very much for reading my blog!
Welcome back! This post is MagnifiKant :D I really need to visit Vienna. Every time I see the pictures it really pushes me to go there. So many monuments and history to see there...
I hope you had a great time!
Hvala :DD Vjeruj mi neces zazaliti grad je stvarno prelijep...
Vienna is an amazing city, full of history! And btw, you can find people speaking Cro/Srb on every corner :D
You brought some good memories =)
A small hint for your next post. Put a line between each photo. They will be much easier to observe! :)
Yeah, when I was walking I heard our language couple of times... I was in some coffee shop and I meet a guy from Belgrade and he told me that there is over 800.000 people from Balkan... Thank you very much for reading and suggestion I will do it on next post.
Uskoro da posetim i taj grad... Super slike! Have fun! 😉
Jedan od najljepsih gradova u Evropi.. Hvala puno :D
nice picture
Thanks :D
u r welcome. looking frward to see more from you.
Sure, me too from you! :)
It's nice that you were able to get some time to get away from your hometown. Sometimes we just need to get away even for a few days to be reminded that the world is big. And I understand how you feel that it can be depressing to be at the same place all the time.
And you chose a beautiful place to explore. I would like to go to Vienna someday :)
Thank you for reading my blog :) Yeah, being in same place for a long period can be very frustrating...
Thanks again :) You should definitely visit Vienna you will never regret! :D
For sure someday I will. It's a beautiful place. And you're welcome :)