Ways to maximize your productivity

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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Have you ever had one of those days when you find yourself scrolling through Facebook, clicking through web pages, answering messages of friends on Whatsapp realizing that it's already 3 pm and you still haven't accomplished anything? I guess we've all been there!

We only have so many hours per day, so making the most of our working hours is critical, especially as an entrepreneur. Being more productive at work isn't rocket science, but it does require good time management! This post will walk you through 8 simple, but effective strategies for increasing your productivity at work.

Source: Pinterest

Daily morning routine
The most important period of your day is when you first wake up. You can choose to hit the snooze button and linger in bed or you can wake up early and as soon as your alarm goes off (better choose the last one!). Studies have shown that people who get up early actually tend to have higher energy levels, and feel more in control of their day. With a good morning routine you set yourself up for your daily productivity and success.

Avoid Social Media
Avoid the temptation to check your e-mails and social media first thing in the morning! You will be instantly distracted while you should be focused on establishing what your priorities are for the day ahead (or take your take to-do list) and making a start on them. That first hour - when your mind is at its freshest - is precious, so make the most of it! Also, try to avoid Social Media during your day as much as possible. If Social Media is your work, focus on what you gotta do and switch off your messenger.

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Make a to-do list
Every evening, make a to-do list for the day after, prioritizing them in order of importance. You will free your mind up before sleeping so you don't have to worry anymore about what and how you are going to plan your next day. It will also help a lot to start your day in an organized way! I love to plan my days with this clean and simple to-do list

Set goals
At the start of each week, make a list of your goals for the week ahead. This will help you to remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing and what for! It can give you a motivation boost when you feel like you're procrastinating or getting behind schedule.

Organize your desk
Your desk is the one place where you should be able to focus and get your work done. But when your desk is a mess, it can hinder your productivity. A clean desk will help you focus more and increase your productivity! Check out this Desk Organizers Set and more helpful tools to organize your desk.

Source: Pinterest

Regular breaks
Working non-stop doesn't necessarily equate to getting more done, as your brain simply can't operate at a high level performance for hours on end. Instead of working marathon sessions, aim for shorter periods of focused activity with regular breaks. This allows your brain to recharge and refocus. Try to schedule your day into a few 'work blocks' of ninety minutes of work followed by a thirty-minute break and make this a habit.

One thing at a time
Quit multitasking! Psychologists have found that doing several tasks at once can result in lost time and decrease of your productivity. Instead, pick one task you want to complete and focus on just that!

Early bird or a night owl?
Identify your most productive times of the day! Figure out when your focus tends to be at its peak and schedule important tasks for then. Try to start with the most difficult tasks on your to-do list so that you'll feel relieved when they are done. This will give you a burst of energy that motivates you through the rest of the day!

Since I started my entrepreneurship I found it really difficult to be productive. Social Media was my biggest distractor and not planning my day resulted in literally no workflow. These ways definitely helped me to increase and maximize my productivity and I hope it will be helpful for you too!


I think you could add up there “set your phone in airplane mode” that really helps me to get things done. Great post!

Yes that’s a great one! :) Thank you!

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