रामराम #7 - oneness / separateness

in #blog5 years ago

रामराम #7

oneness _ separateness.png


oneness / separateness

you are one yet separate, just as you are yet are not - these are all man-made tools (words) with which we try to replace the fundamental truths of this existence known to us, but often get too caught up in. it is a nice thought - that we are one with all - don't get me wrong, but how can we say that and then go on to preach the illusory nature of the ego we all experience, which is the primal reason we feel separateness?

by pondering on topics such as this one, you may conclude that existence is paradoxical. it is, but only in words. existence - i will call it 'the all' from here on - is beyond words. the truth comes solely from experience, and to try to condense the vastness of your experience with the all into mere words is degrading. yes, it is a needed form of communication between us humans in today's society, but we mustn't make a religion out of language. words - nouns especially - can be useful in describing everyday events and that around us, but when we try to go deeper than the mundane and dive into the philosophical side of life, we must be very careful not to get too caught up in fancy phrases and wise quotes. with that out of the way, we can now dive into the idea of oneness.

you are one with the all. existence is in truth god partaking in his creation, taking on different forms and experiencing the all in each and every way at once. in that case, everything is one, right? yes and no - here comes the paradox! the all is one if you choose to look at everything as being a part of existence which is one. take a look around - everything in interconnected. it is all a fractal of the same oneness. at the same time, we are all separate. every single one of us - including everything around us, not just humans - is having an experience different to everyone and everything else here. in that sense, we are all individuals creating our own world in which we reside.

oneness is the engagement and the overlapping of these separate worlds.


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