In praise of difference...

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


I'm writing this in a response to a post I read ( I won't mention the name, it's not important )

I love feeling attractive, sexy.

It's more of a woman thing, I guess.

Men just don't seem to 'feel' it, from how I see them. (from a physical point of view, I mean)

They just so -do not take care of themselves.
And that's fine.

I find it really disturbing seeing a guy out, who has spent more time on his hair, than I have!

Men are built differently than women. (thankfully).


Men are more stimulated by the visual appearance of the opposite sex.

Women are attracted to other - different, things. Physical appearance to me, is secondary (or thirdundary).

As a women, if you are not complimented by another person taking interest in you – that says more about you own self esteem, not the perpetrator of the attention.

Why feel offended by looking attractive to someone?

Men like compliments don't get me wrong, but they are different.

They like their ego stroked by looking how impressed we are at their jobs, or their car, or their lifestyl.. (and we are a little , lets be honest. All part of the package of attraction).

In the age of political correctness, men's attentions has now become a negative thing, rather than welcomed compliment.

It is nothing more than fun- or , a strategy to something more.


An 'introduction', is maybe a better way to put it.

Women have the power.

We always have had.

There is a gentle battle of the sexes. Always has been, and always will be.

It's a beautiful thing, and should be encouraged, enjoyed, and made playful - not made sterile by angry women, who don't have a clue as to who, as to what they are...

If you have a nice ass... what's the problem?
You have a nice ass. Men like nice asses. That is no reason to hate men for noticing your well formed butt.

I have a nice ass. It gets attention. So what?

If we give away that power we have , and have always had – we become the victim.

Fuck that!

I am nobody's victim. An neither are most women.

This pattern of behavior has existed throughout all cultures and history.
Because it's a natural behavior.

Only the feminazi's have tried to change what is natural.

And what do we have because of this?
Men who feel powerless, and helpless (and they become down right unsexy . yuk.).

Are the attentions of men objectifying? - Yes of course – they don't know you, how can it be anything else?

As the gender of power, we need to feed the ego's of the weak. It's a feminine caring about others, thing.

Make them feel better about......i I dunno – compliment them on their abs, or car, or whatever....

As the gender of power, we have to take responsibility for the direction of events.

The way things go, is down to us -not the poor guys who's brains go south at the sight of a nice cleavage.


As the gender of power, we have the right to go where we want, wear what we want, and decide what we want.

WE decide the rules. So live like you know this, girls.
(rape is a different thing entirely, of course).

The modern outlook is 'all men are bad, domestic violence on women is out of control... etc... - Did you know nearly 50% of domestic violence is against men? around... 50..per.... cent

That doesn't fit into feminism and the picture they portray very well, now does it?

I am my own woman, I always will be.

Nobody tells me what to do. (but I'm so, so , so ,submissive in bed....)

I have 2 businesses, and I'm self made, all from literally nothing.

Most men- or women - are not as strong as me. (I scare the sh*t out of a lot of people, just by being myself... .)

I grew up rough and tough, and that never leaves you. Ever.

For those not scared of me...? I am warm , giving, open and generous. I do not suffer fools or players.

Any women not aware of her own power, need to wise up - and quickly!

.....To not do is to give away your greatest asset.
And your road to being you.
(even though most men think your greatest asset is your tits or ass, bless.)

And women who are aware of their own power - and 'ride the boat' of feminism? You are an embarrassment. You are the most stupid of them all.

(....You will know them when you see them....they give long feminist speeches about how girls are not for looking at, while wearing revealing tops, or posting photo's online, and always managing to show flesh, somehow.)



love it!

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 0.73% vote... I was summoned by @lucyreloaded! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

so nice picture & post

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