When Clitoria meets Cock, we can all have a giggle...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


Recently I have been following the discussions between Adam Kokesh and Larkin Rose, and the 'friction' emerging of the two conflicting methods of perusing anarchy.
This little spat seems to be polarizing people quite a lot, and their differing approaches.

I 'think' the basic principles or goals are the same- it's the choices of transportation that seems to aggravating everyone.

Why? Fucked if I know.

...or rather, as I see it - “what we have here is a failure to communicate in the same time/space fractal.....”

Before I start my satirical look on events, I'll qualify myself as way more qualified than either of them, as to anarchy.
I have lived it for over 3 decades.
Not as some activist, or for some ego trip notoriety, but actually living it.

Me personally? - I would prefer to pay zero tax and live like a pauper, than pay 5% tax and live like a king (that is bullshit, actually - but you get the idea).

So if anyone fancies an ideological, versus real life experience, toe to toe - go for it.
Bring your tissues...

.....If you ain't laughing in a revolution, what's the fucking point?
and if you find my explanation offensive - you are part of the problem, snowflake.

With pictures and with a very satirical gleam in my eye....I will tell you my truth.

Hopefully this will help reconcile peoples verbal aggression to each other at the moment - or at least help recognize the disconnect.....

Before we get into the story of Rose and Kokesh... some botany....


part 2 here


LOL, was unsure how to proceed, at first. Unusual title. Interesting project.

part 3 in the making....

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