Walking before running? ....Not even crawling yet...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

This was going to be along post.
I then realized a long post is exactly the problem I want to talk about...

Communication is pretty much the essential part of understanding each other.

move 1.jpg

Why then - f 50% of the population do not communicate in the same way, and with many miscommunications. (men/women)

"Do I look okay in this" From a woman - you better tell me i look good!
"Do I look okay in this" From a man? nah.....not any man I would chose to know, but you get my point.
BUT if some idiot did say it, they would mean exactly what they just said.
Men talk directly, women more nuanced (and manipulative?)

Both are understandable, anthropologically speaking - you don't demand, you negotiate when you are in the weaker position..

But getting back to my point- If We are still trying to iron out the interpretations of meanings of the other 50% of the worlds populations, it's no wonder everything has gotten really screwed up since the sexes mixed more and more.

Historically, the sexes have never been so mixed up. In earlier times society was quite delineated by the sexes.

We are continually pushing for more and more 'diverstiy', - in all areas - and we can't even understand each other properly!!!

Not as good a post as I wanted to write, but I'm a little fragile today...

I'll write some more substandard stuff later, (and Quantico might definitly be on hold for a day..)


Manipulative isn't the half of it.
Women say things for effect.
So you could say, everything that women say, at its root, at its core, is about manipulation.

It is the reason feminists are "rape this" "rape that", everything is rape. "You have to believe the women."

It is because the word rape invokes a response.
When it is used up. When "wolf" has been cried to much, they will switch to something else.

Which is really bad for our language.
Because men want to be clear about what they are saying. And so want words' meaning to stay the same.
Women don't care, they will use whatever words get the emotional triggers.

So, that age old line, "Does this dress make me look fat?"
Actually means all of the following:

  • Am i too fat for you?
  • Are you a strong man who will call my bluff?
  • Am i pretty? (must know on an accurate scale)
  • Will you lie to me?
  • if you fail to stand up to me, that means you will not stand up for me.
  • How much manipulative power do i have over you?

So... mister, answer that question correctly, and if you hesitate, you have failed.

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