Trying to scratch an itch....Intelligence, ego, and learning...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)


This has been one of those kind of itches that comes and goes, and nags at you, then goes away again, only to return once more...
It's one that I have given the odd scratch , occasionally satisfying it.... but not really....

The itch I'm talking about?
The apparent inability for people to learn... and why this is so. Why do some people learn perfectly well from some people, but not from others, for example?

Leaving aside IQ discussions as such (it is what it is in this post, for arguments sake,) it is still glaringly obvious that the ability to learn things is not necessarily connected to IQ level.
( it is also very connected at the same time - but in context of this post, is not so important).

This is about comparative intelligence levels and the disconnect can that can occur because of it when insecurity comes into play.

For example, I have known many people who have worked for me over the years that were considerably lower on the IQ scale. (And many considerably higher than myself as well, thank god!)
TIP: Always find cleverer people than yourself to work for you- you can't go wrong! lol.

I digress.

Some of these 'lower IQ' people were way more open to learning from me, than others were.
Personality clashes play apart for sure... but was that just an expression of something running deeper ....?
Was the expression the software and not the hard drive, as it were?

This is where that itch started, I think....


This is what I'm addressing here. This ability to learn, and not levels of intelligence...

Intelligence can be gauged in several ways...IQ testing being the most objective tool that we have. (to date).

The ability to recognize people who are more intelligent than yourself- by comparison - is not that difficult depending on the degree.
I.E The larger the difference between IQ's, the easier it is to recognize.

Does insecurity (ego) prevent those of lesser intelligence, accept that those of a higher level of intelligence having something valid, or extra, to offer?

If you are insecure, does your ego actually prevent you from seeing the higher intelligence in another?
Is it perceived as a threat rather than a potential tool to be used to their own advantage?

Those who do recognize a higher intelligence in others - those without this defensive mechanism engaging, can, or will to - try take advantage of the situation.


One of the ways of taking advantage is by learning as much as possible from those of a higher intelligence.

If the defensive ego mechanism is at work, then learning from those of a higher intelligence becomes almost impossible.
The defensive nature of the ego in the 'lesser' of the intelligent, prevents the passing of informtion from one to the other.
They literally 'put up the defenses' and in doing so prevent an efficient passing across of 'knowledge'.

Conversely the 'lesser intelligent ' - who are operating without the fragile ego at play, are able recognize that those of a higher intelligence can 'see' more than they themselves presently can.
(that's why they are more intelligent. durr).

By learning from them, it gives them the opportunity to possibly 'see' what those of higher intelligence also 'see', and thus becoming more knowledgeable themselves.


Here endeth my itch has gone..for now.


Could also be some lower IQ people can tell when they are thought less of and don't appreciate a condescending attitude the higher IQ person is giving them. I know the moment I feel someone is condescending to me, we are done. And if they insist on pushing it and circumstances do not permit me to evade their hostility, we can figure it out in a more manly fashion, lol.

That's a very interesting point....
'the wanker' higher IQ person would be expressing insecurities in their own intelligence - or impatience I suppose. (and lack of people skills possibly).

You are trying to get me scratching again, aren't you ?


Ok ... 😊

While you propose some sort of positive correlation between insecurity and High levels of IQ, I propose a positive correlation between arrogance and High levels of IQ. I have met and know A LOT of intelligent (regarding IQ) people; the majority of them display an incredible sense of self-importance and low levels of empathy. In the past I looked into whether there is some sort of negative correlation between IQ and EIQ, but didn't find anything promising! 😅

I am not sure how you categorize someone as less intelligent. From my part, I tend to view people, as well as myself, either as less informed or less educated, when compared to others. I suppose if one is able to identify such aspect, one becomes a little more open. Interestingly, I have also come across a surprising number of uniformed people with the same mindset of those I described before with high IQ. However, instead of proposing a positive correlation with arrogance; here, I propose with ignorance.

But, to the questions you raised.

If you are insecure, does your ego actually prevent you from seeing the higher intelligence in another?

I think it is actually the very opposite. It is the recognition of perceiving someone else's higher intelligence that prompts the insecurity.

Is it perceived as a threat rather than a potential tool to be used to their own advantage?

I think it gives rise to a sense of inadequacy; which, by the way, is absolutely normal. What is abnormal is to not snap out of it (this will have something to do with personality types though).

The apparent inability for people to learn... and why this is so. Why do some people learn perfectly well from some people, but not from others, for example?

I believe cognitive bias plays a huge role in these cases.

What do you think?


When is arrogance, confidence? ( is it faux confidence?)
It's question I have pondered many an hour...(due to that 'accusation' over the years)
As I have said, people seem to think I am - but I am really not.
I'm not protesting my innocence, just as I see it! lol

I can see _why_this as coming across as arrogant - but it was not written like that in the slightest - that it was written very much ' tongue in cheek', with a critical eye...
Is arrogance a perception ,a trait..or both..?

Oh, and where is your Friday post, young lady?!!!

Oh, and where is your Friday post, young lady?!!!

Last week's spare time went to planning and preparing for this week's SUP lessons 😎

Arrogance vs. confidence ... let's see what you have here today! :)

I ain't paying for no couch....

Wow, that post of yours got me going! Anyways, back to the question. Personally, I don't see you as arrogant. I remember my very first encounter with you, and at a first glance you seemed like many other people I had come across here on Steemit; but you surprised me 1- in making fun of yourself and admitting an error you made in your assumption, and 2- sustaining your opinion whilst respecting mine and me :) Further, while you are incredibly experienced, knowledgeable and informed you are perfectly comfortable with asking opinions and insights about the ideas and notions you propose. I suppose this is what I respect the most about you.

Maybe the extent to which you are comfortable with yourself might be what people perceive as arrogance. Maybe ...


I only just saw this response, right now.

Thanks for that. Seriously.

Further, while you are incredibly experienced, knowledgeable and informed..

Accusations like this are not necessary!

😂 😂

...another little ditty from my life story! might find it 'interesting'..

....SUP lessons 😎


ahhh! ok - what does SUP stand for? (i'm not googling. lol)

so annoying , your deep state bosses need you to write about socialism not this


go back to the topic I gave you , you little @pusylin

stop laughing and obey their orders

ok , they'll cut your funding

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