Truth, Trump , and Q...

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

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As time drags on without obvious 'big moves' out in the open (Hilary, Obama, arrests, blah blah..), it becomes easier to criticize the 'Q' movement.
And understandably so.
People are impatient to see things being 'right', justice done, resetting of values, and not the corrupt cesspit we are currently wallowing in.
(I am so sat on the fence about the 'Q' movements legitimacy, and the splinters are really starting to irritate...)

At this point it's a matter of drawing your own conclusions, and holding your breath.
I'm still staying optimistic. For now.

I listened to recent David icke podcast, which contained lots of information about Trumps past dealing with the Rothschilds banks, and his being 'looked after very well', by them when he was in deep financial shit, and also details and names of people who were in the circle of influence then...who are now in the government.
It's all interesting stuff, and it would be easy to draw the conclusions from it, that he's in their pocket and nothing more than another puppet.
And quite logically so, I would say, in all honesty.

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BUT....There's always a but...

The conclusions to draw from Icke' s podcast may well be logical based on viewing Trump as a 'regular human being'.

But how many times do we hear 'sociopath', 'psychopath', directed at Trump (and politicians in general)?

I would say he's more of an narcissist, from my understanding of personality types ('sociopath, light').

This being the case, then the background information - and the conclusions drawn for it- (being a puppet) becomes totally and utterly void.

You can't have it both ways.

IF Trump is narcissistic and also has morals and perspectives that align with 'America first', 'killing the Fed', and the 'WWG1WWA movement', then why would it make sense for Trump to feel 'obligated' to the Rothchilds from decades ago if he narcissistic or sociopaths?
Conscience? lol

You can't judge him as being narcissistic in one breath , and then attach 'responsibility of some historical contract' on him, in the next breath.

Maybe he took what he could (back then in the day), and really doesn't give a fuck about it, now...?

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Fitting personality traits to support one part of an argument, and then to discount the very traits you have just given to them, is a weak argument.

I'll stay an optimist for now, as optimism is a happier (more logical) place to be, than a pessimistic one...and at the end of the day, fighting the good fight is best done from a place of confidence, rather than from a nihilistic depressed one..

I just wish we could get on with it!...

...'cos its coming, one way or another - that's for sure.


Chimp the current zionist puppet is playing his role

Until his role is over and he will be replaced by a different zionist puppet

I get the feeling that you think its a zionist plot....
Or do I misunderstand?...lolol

I have these wild ideas :)

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