Time, math and steemit....Sunday morning meanderings. Selling lies...

in #blog6 years ago

Over this last six days, I have written only one post a day - and not spent much of my time interacting, debating or perusing other posts, as much as I normally do.
Because of time. And an experiment... of sorts..


While my synapses might be sparking somewhat slower than they did 2 decades ago, here are some thoughts on a sunday morning, drinking my coffee...

I came here over 18 months ago - to make $15 a day (if I could).
I didn't understand how steem or steemit worked, and nor did I care.

I was sucked in by the 'get paid for writing' spin and thought I would give it a go...

As time progressed and I then started to understand the politics ( the steemit sycophant system) bidbots, ect, and it was quite obvious that meritocracy was not in built into the system.... Or even much of a consideration, now that I come to think of it. Oh well ,another illusion shattered....

....I decided to give it a go, anyway. ....And as it turned out it, it has worked out very well for me so far... (I had to sell my small steem at one point - at, and close to, the ATH's wooohoo! ).

Then the price of steem started dropping off, and the dream of $15 a dollars day went up in steam (pun intended) with it.
I wasn't here to speculate, or to be an investor.

I also didn't need the $'s - after my hiccup ( which was due to the pesky banks and payment processors interrupting my other business's cash flows(
....This meant that I could keep posting.

For the people that did need the money - they had no other option but to do other things. And left.

I went back to what I know, during this hiccup time - to grind out some money .
All of that was very successful and I'm now pretty well insulated against any further bank twattish- ness from the establishment).

Which brings me back to my breakdown of 'time/rewards/logic.'

IF you are here purely for the social media side of things, and wanting to write with no concern for income - That's excellent.
(from my wandering around some other sites , this is my first - and by far- my favorite place..).

If you are here as long term investor, this is also excellent - but investing the time posting, to build up your steem is not logical.
Not if you can gain an income in any other way for the same amount of time you commit to posting here.

And if you are here for both? That's cool to - as long as you know that you are sacrificing your 'investor time', for writing time.
All the serious investors that I've known over the years - would never ever , waste time writing for less rewards than doing some other activity that would return a higher income - which in turn - would give even greater amounts with which to invest.
It is not logical from that perspective.
For investors that like writing as well , sure - but they would not see it with an eye to doing both.
Write or invest. Not both.
Even using the risk/ reward payoff model - it still makes no sense. (you know, the 'moon', and all that.)
Spending the next two hours writing a $3 post - or to spend the next two hours serving at McDonald's making, say $12(?)
Buying 36 steem with that two hours labor at macca's, is much more logical.
Much more 'investor mindset' orientated.
(I'm pretty sure you won't miss out on the explosion 'to the moon' by waiting a week or two to get your extra $12 in your paycheck - to buy steem with...)

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Know thyself, and don't pretend to be something you're not. Clever people will see through the fakery...always... eventually.

These amounts I'm using obviously applies to the west and first world countries, where even a few hours in a minimum wage job - transferred to steem - would by far outweigh any rewards on a post - based on today prices_ (and based on quality content of course).

So..... I decided to run a weeks experiment (well 6 days, but who's countin'), to see for myself the logical reasoning of time commitment to steem - from a purely investor perspective.

I'm living quite a 'spoiled' life to be honest... and do not have 'the usual' real life stresses that many of you most probably do...
(I don't have a lambo or anything - but I DO HAVE A COOL SCOOTER!)

Time is the one quality in life that you can't trade. Just sitting down with time itself - present its own reality - and not one that can be 'faked'.
You have debt? A debt slave, by definition. You have a boss to answer to? An employment slave.
You can 'dip your toes in the water' of the feeling of time having a different quaility , and many expereince this.
Going on vacation, gives the hint of what I'm talking about.
The quality of time itself becomes different when 'other normal life stuff' is put on the back burner , if only for a couple of weeks.
But there is a difference.
You get to sip at the difference in the quality of time - it's just that. A tease...
Being immersed in it, day after day, week after week and with no concept of 'in 5 days it's all back to normal'...
It's this that changes the quality of time itself- but even more so...And so to with your clarity of thinking.

You are not, and you cannot be , in the same head space as someone who doesn't have those everyday things, those external forces exerting influence on you... and mostly out of your immediate control.
A slave does not have the same mindset as a free person.
And the difference cannot be explained, only experienced.
The person who has never touched a drop of alcohol for example , can never fully understand the drunken headspace, or that feeling... no matter how it is explained.
Mind experiences are - not ever, truly transferable...

Is this good, or bad, or neither?

I don't know - for sure - but what I do know - for sure - is how my own mental processes have changed - and have become much clearer and in focus.
Without any of the usual day to day stresses and distractions of life (that prevent that clarity of thought)... you breathe differently.... You see things differently.
(And when I think back at my thought processes within the old paradigm of a 'busy' life - I can see the stark differences).

It's no coincidence 'the wise people' of old, were older people without the day to day pressures, and could just 'think' unencumbered by anything else.
It's no coincidence that the post war postmodernist and Marxist wants to discount this very wisdom - for they do not posses it. Do not control it. Do not have the power over it.... And are inferior to it, qualitatively speaking.

I digress..pesky marxists ....back on point....

I have zero debt, and my time is my own- with the exception of 13 minutes a day that I just have to spend on my business.

Apart from that, I'm free do do as I wish.

I have no commitments (accept throwing some money to my 'granddaughter' for her school, which I seem - somehow, to have acquired the responsibility for...)

So my life is pretty stress free, is my point. (and only ever made stressful in the last 5 years, by banks...mmm...bastards...)

Back to the point of my post....

Here is the breakdown I did ( I've been all efficient, and everything..... I'll need to take a course in @paulag excel course if I carry on like this!)

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I have 16/17 hours a day of free time. (I'm not including sleep, or the 13 minutes a day commitment for my business)

I spent around 3 -ish hours on steemit doing a post (and some interactions, but not involved as per my usual day.)
I spent 2 or 3 hours a day playing on my new toy (the video editing, thingy)
I spent 3 hours-ish a day writing my filth adult orientated erotic content.
I spent 1 to 2 hours a day emailing my 'UK, and Eire companies on my 'red pill campaign' - that I started a few months ago...(an update of proceedings in that department , coming at some point)..

The rest of my time was spent playing poker.
Gambling is illegal where I am right now... strictly speaking....which is kinda funny - if you consider that it's a gambling obsessed culture.... but the legal loopholes - when your accounts are registered in other countries - where it is legal, and also where you're from...well, ya gotta love the internet.
Authority just loves to control your life, doesn't it? Why so many people love to be controlled by it, is beyond me, and makes me...oops..off topic...a later post...
(Is anyone interested in me doing a post of 'how to always beat the system?'...mmmmm... It wasn't a conscious process in the slightest, god no - it was , in fact, a total and utter accident...but hey, I've got the knowledge now).

Top Tip: ...if you think 'the system always wins', then you're losing the very game of life itself - and it's all in your own head - closely related to suffering from Stockholm syndrome - and people just don't realize it, and sadly, some never will.

Do people resent me for this freedom?...
Yes, dunno, yes, but I don't care too much. It does allow an ugly git like me, to pull lots of babes, though. Wooohooo...Sensing that true freedom in a person, is an aphrodisiac - that's for sure.
It is an interesting topic to look at....
From what I see, resentment has two shadows following it, wherever it goes.....One is called pity. The other is called fear. A maybe a third, called hate...

Here's my 6 days earnings away from steemit... (not including my real business stuff , obviously)

day 1
Erotica = $4.55
Poker = $2.56
Day 2
Erotica = $7.03
Poker = $4.21
Day 3
Erotica = $3.20
Poker = $3.01
Day 4
Erotica = $2.77
Poker = $5.89
Day 5
Erotica = $0.00
Poker = $2.45
Day 6
Erotica = $1.54
Poker = $4.69

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I have a problem with poker - I can't 'win' big....lol. I think it's somehow deeply connected to my psyche and the work ethic I grew up with, nestling deep inside.
I can make the money if I work at it, but not by being 'lucky'. Patience, discipline and work, will always reap the rewards. But my game goes to shit when I try to make more than I ever actually need....
eg. - I needed $50 a day in the west to live off it - which I did for quite a few years . How much did I make each day?.....yup, around $50... it's a bugger. My own psychology about it all, is very fascinating.... for me - and it's worth a whole post by itself). Know thyself.

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Anyways ....that works out at $41.90.( if my calculator isn't playing tricks on me).

Averaging Steem at 0.30 cents for the 6 days - that's 139.6 Steem 140, let say.

If I doubled that, I could live (just abouts) on that....

My Steem earnings in dollars...(assuming there's no sudden big upvotes or flags)

6 days...$ 5.59 = around 17 steem...

If I double that, double the time - it's still only works out at 34 Steem, compared to 140...even adding on comment votes etc - lets say 45 steem...

So logically speaking, if you are writing to earn on steemit - and you have any other choices elsewhere, to earn - then it's a shit strategy to spend time here...

Maybe that's one of the reason why we are not really growing as a social platform?

People feeling cheated.

The 'selling point' of earning from writing , is a con. (for the 99% of new users, without a following)

Of course technically speaking - it isn't - of course. But we are not talking 'technically', we're talking to human beings who's perceptions of what constitutes earning, is exactly that...

People don't hang around to grow an affinity to something like a social platform or a product that is not what it was sold as. Not when they feel that they've been lied to, and cheated..
(and 'not technically', doesn't cut it).

Even at minimum wage in the west, you would only need 8(?) hours of work a week to buy a lot more steem that you would ever get from the same hours of writing!

When you really think about it, it's not surprising.

Where has the original sell come from?
The idea of the concept - 'to earn from writing'?

From the powers that be of course ...and the lefty authoritarian submissive sycophants - who love to talk in double speak, dreams of the moon or higher, and it's potentials - and avoid straight truths. People that keep perpetuating the same narrative.
And they are a far too big a voice on this platform.
A recipe for failure, imo.
But, the 'lack of truth' spin - only lasts for so long ...(Thank fuck).
As we can see from the lack of growth on this platform in the last 18 months. People leave, with only bad things to say about steemit.
We all know the adage of a disgruntled customer versus the happy one, for being heard, right?
Every customer that leaves steemit feeling 'cheated' - is a negative ad campaign to everyone they talk to, about it.

Here's an fresh angle - and idea- to sell steemit...!!!

The steemit road to success without investing a single penny - Nothing, except for some of your time.

1/ Write content to produce some Steem - that goes into your account.
2/ Use that steem to grow more steem . We will show you how with financial instruments available to everyone.
3/ You can then become a financial trader as you grow your account . Buy and sell steem with the your earnings, and then grow your steem over time . It's that easy!

Play the game of 'Stemit finance' .... and make money speculating, with earnings from your writing...

OK, not the most polished end product, I know - but you see my point?

At least the people coming here wouldn't be disappointed with what they come to see - and just fuck off after a month - when they realize they have been lied to ( not technically, yeah we know ....of course).

For me?
I'll hang around - because I like this place, and I wanna see it successful.

Someone has to keep the popping the bubble of delusions in this place, right?
Yeah and also highlight to the sheep, the charlatans of steemit. The wolf in sheep's clothing some people here seem quite oblivious to, from what I observe.
In fact - This ^^ is very possibly the best action to take on steemit, - if you really care about Steems success.
Only those genuinely interested in it's growth - with integrity - rather than 'at any cost, any lies, any BS' - will ultimately lead to it's enduring success.

(I won't bother entering the 'Steemits Mr. Popular contest 2019', though..)
My 'sex and drugs and the authoritarian mindset' post - cumming up later...and is not a NSFW post - or even erotic content.
But it might open your eyes wide...


I think you nailed it by pointing out the silliness of posting/up-voting, in hopes for making a liveable income. Unfortunately I'm not all that hopeful in buying any STEEM w/my hard earned $'s either. But I've said that b4!!

I rather enjoyed reading that, mainly because I like the word sycophants, and that I do see a lot of them on here. I do enjoy the drama sometimes, but General Hospital the is not. They had good drama, steemit, not so much good drama but some funny sycophant drama.

....sycophants is a great word! lol

Best post I've read in a while.

You're kind of explain why I stayed away for so long off this platform. Realizing benefiting from steemit in the short or medium term is a long shot, I had to focus more on my real job.

Actually turned out to be a timely decision as I would've been very, very broke by now

Thank you!
....read my next post ! lmao

Great analysis my friend! One of the killers of making a living on here (which I was doing up until the last HF) is the last HF. You can't upvote as many posts as before, so now people are having to be economic with their votes. This coupled with a loss in the value of steem spells disaster.

I'm still posting and hoping for the best, but have to keep powering down to help support my granddaughter- that hurts as well. I'm focusing on Weku now, hoping to build a good base for when they launch their coin.


The sycophant game is strong here. I'm not built that way, nor ever will be...
Which doesn't bode well..

When IQ's scores are less than reputation scores, it's problem...lol.

I got flagged/downvoted - for a post I did 2 days ago...

the post was asking the about marketing of steemit to a new platform.

Yes seriously.
IQ's...? lol

I started on Thanksgiving 2016 and right away I noticed the same thing. People who came in around the same time or even several months later began shooting up in rep by blowing smoke up the asses of the whales (something I WILL NOT do).

Excellent point about the IQ's... these same geniuses were posting shit and making money hand over fist. With me it seems that the more time and effort I put into an article, the less I make.

I don't know if you've checked out Weku or not. It's set up just like Steemit (before all of the egregious HF's). They haven't launched their coin yet and I'm building as much as I can for when they do. Here's a link.


This post has been included in the latest edition of SoS Daily News - a digest of all you need to know about the State of Steem.

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