The torture diaries. #1.... One dogs traumatic story.

in #blog5 years ago (edited)

Torture (from Latin tortus: to twist, to torment)
The act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological suffering.
A punishment in order to fulfill some desire by the torturer, or force some action from the victim.

For reasons of retribution and safety, we'll call him 'Colin'.
All photo's are for illustrative purposes only, and are not Colin.
(Except for the last one).


Colin had been a torture victim over a period of several weeks, until he managed to escape.
Coming forward to tell us his story, he recounts the most harrowing few weeks of his life.

He still carries the scars with him, and, even to this day.... He sits upon command.

When He was only a few week old, he was torn from his mothers breast(s), and placed in a new, strange environment. Which 'smelled horrible', he tells us.

His captors, who consisted of two big, and two little, people, would squeeze him non stop. He thought he was gonna suffocate and die, and was psychologically scarred from this non stop attention.

"I was fucking petrified," He says.
Colin was so scared in fact, that he peed himself. This resulted in his torturers beating him cruelly, and throwing him outside in a cold, dark, yard.

Colin smiles as he remembers this moment. (smiling dogs look eerie).

"It was temporary relief for Me," He said, " it meant no more body squeezing for a while, plus, it gave me some quality sniffing time."(talking dogs are even more eerie)

With his source of food no longer available, cut off from family and friends, he found himself having to beg for food, off his captors.

"It was so bloody demeaning," Colin whimpers "But what could I do? I was fucking starving. They loved it, they did, making me sit on the floor next them, as they feasted on a large table....They forced me to 'beg'.....And so I did, hunger gnawing in the pit of my stomach.

The psychological abuse didn't stop there....

They transferred the already traumatized Colin to a another facility, with other torture victims, and it was here that things really started to deteriorate for Colin.

Locked up in box that he could scarcely turn around in, he was released each morning to suffer at the hands of the new big persons masochistic whims.

Within days, he was sitting, standing, and walking on command, and only ever peeing and shitting when He was told.

"I knew they'd broke me", He said, "When I started wagging my tail every time they patted my head."

He whimpers, "For Chrissakes, I even used to roll over onto my back, for some approval and some crappy dried biscuits they dished out."

As time progressed, Colin was then allowed to watch some TV each night, and this is where Colin drew his inner strength, and resolve, from.

"It was after watching Braveheart," Colin Said, that he decided to change his life. "Give me freedom, or give me death. Gibson was pretty good in that film."

" I had to get out of that place, before they killed me," He says, "So I started to dig a tunnel to freedom. I took inspiration from The Great Escape on that one, not Braveheart. McQueen was brilliant....far better than Gibson will ever be, in my opinion. "

And so he dug a tunnel with another dog he'd befriended...

" Arthur was a real lazy bastard, though," Colin said. " We went our separate ways once we were out..."


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