The race is on, to control the Kitty's cleavage....

in #blog6 years ago


The year: 1862.


As the north pushes into Virginia, they prepare an army to sail down the river Smiley threatening to cut off Lee's supply lines and communications, with Richmond.

Both sides spot the twist in the river Smiley, near wildcat Ravine - and more importantly -the hills overlooking it.

They both realize whoever controls the high ground overlooking the river, also controls the river.
With artillery placed on the hills, movement along the river would be impossible.

The confederate General sends Jackson and a division of his men to secure the high ground, and thus ensuring General Lee will have support and supplies for his army.

McClellan sends forces from the army of the Potomac to secure the hills, and thus allowing the free passage of the rest of his army.

If McClellan's forces succeed in securing the high ground, the war could be over by Christmas, Lee's army will be cut off from the south.....

Both armies start to force march their divisions hoping to occupy 'Kitty's cleavage'- as it known to the locals.

Being in command Kitty's cleavage, will prevent the enemy taking advantage of Smileys river.
Control Smileys river, and you control access to the south. The ultimate goal...


The men are marching......

To be continued...

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