The dangers of less Steem....and explosions. A word of warning at Christmas

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

Energy doesn't just disappear. Ever.
It goes somewhere, it has to.
It can transmuted into other forms of energy, but it doesn't just 'go away'.

This is just one of those cardinal rules of the universe.

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The destruction of energy is impossible.

With the price of steem collapsing over this last year (you can call it whatever you want but from $7 to 22 cents is a collapse), I see many people on here convinced that it doesn't mean anything and are full of hope and optimism.

Optimism is good, and generally leads to better things happening in your life.
I'm one of natures eternal optimists.
And a realist.

When blind optimism goes in the face of all the facts presented- it then can become a delusional state.
For those afflicted with this mental state, the worst thing that can happen is for steem price to rise.
Money is only money, but a reinforced delusional mental state only strengthens the mental illness.
It is not cured because a delusional outcome is realized.
When you see things other do not see, and acting on that? It's is not delusional - that's intelligence.
Pretending to be intelligent to be able justify your realized delusion, is mental illness.

The question is - was is optimism,and what is delusion??

It's difficult to define that fine line between the two states - And I'm no professional.
I would say - very loosely- say that optimism is a good feeling for the future based on facts supporting your optimism.
Even if the facts are minimal. Even 'just a feeling'....

I would say delusion is a belief system. One that that goes contrary to presented facts.
I would also say that delusional states of mind are very defensive or aggressive about their position, when examined or criticized.
I think this is a big difference when compared to the patterns of expression in the optimists position, and how they react to criticisms or negative opinions.
An optimist can accpet that his optimism is just that.

The delusional cannot accept anything less than his potential reality coming true.

But this post isn't about the definitions of the people looking on the bright side of life, and those trapped in a mental prison.

This post is about when reality finally hits the tarmac in the mind of the delusional.
(in yourself and those around you).

In extreme cases it can destroy the person.
Gibbering wreck, and straight jacket material, kind of thing.

If the realization of the delusion becomes impossible ... but the reality still cannot be accepted as such, the energy (anger of being incorrect) has to go somewhere.
(If steem hit 0.0 for example).

People who internalize their emotions...

Rationalize every negative piece of information, and then try to turn it into positive information.

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Outbursts of anger - over nothing. Irrational behavior as the internalized frustrations find a way out.
Depression as the energy sits inside, quietly frustrated.
Lack of good sleep patterns as the mind is 'looking for way' to make the delusion acceptable.
Loss of appetite. I'm not actually sure why, but I'll label it as the body 'feeding of the internalized energy'.
Reduced states of arousal.

For those who externalize their emotions...

Getting into fights. Arguing. (oh shit, I'm delusional about steemit! lol)
Irrational anger.
Long walks alone.
Vigorous exercise.
Focused distraction. A new hobby, pastime, or affair.
Increased sexual drives.

This is not a full list or anything like - and can vary wildly from individual to individual - but just some indications of the type of things to look out for.
Watch out for different behavioral patterns in the people close you (starting with yourself, if you can).

As steemit price continues to collapse - so to the pressure on delusions and the energies involved...

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For it is a collapse in price...This is a fact.... Deal with it....

From a personal perspective, I was lucky. ...
(Lucky isn't the right word, perhaps - but that's how I see it - that's optimism for you!)

I grew up having to deal with personal anger.
That's what happens if your are surrounded by stupid sociopath adults , as a child .( It was for me anyway.)
I recognized my own behavior patterns, and I utilized all this energy, to make the best from it.
Transmuted it in a way to benefit me.
And yes, I also held onto some delusions...
I had to learn to know myself, early on...

And one of my reasons - right up until the present day- , that for fighting for truth, and objectivity - and dismantling illusions - matters.
There is no good destination in the real world if it's based in non truths, subjectivity, and delusions. None.
I've seen this close up and personal, and I see no evidence so far, to the contrary - to tell me that I'm incorrect.

(NOTE: this is not to be confused with imagination and creativity, or playtime - of which there is immeasurable value to be gained).
Knowing the difference is the key.
And I will fight everyday, to help people see the difference.
It's something I've never stopped doing all through my lifetime no matter my circumstances - and nor do I think I ever will...

Many people are not even aware of how they handle their own anger.
Those in a state of delusion? Even less so.

Pent up delusional anger is a often violent and always destructive, one way or another. Eventually.
It can take years to show itself, but show itself it will...That's a guarantee.

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Know thyself...


...And have a happy Christmas.


I enjoyed that. Made me think about myself and my own optimism. In general I feel an optimistic person. Though I’m a sarcastic fuck and have serious doubts about human in the masses, most people individually are ok enough.
I realized something a bit ago with my ideas and feelings about steemit.
I actually have zero clue if steem is going to make it. My truth is I want it to. I want this little world I’ve found and enjoyed over the last year and a bit to survive. I want a world where I spend more time here than instagram or YouTube. I want a world free of pummeling advertisements.
My experience here on steemit has been of exploration and finding other wild folks exploring. It feels personal and real. I have surrounded myself by good peeps and good discord groups. It’s been a blast honestly!
So I want steemit to survive, but know it might not.
So price in my perspective matters little. I choose optimism. I choose to keep fostering quality relationships with quality folks.
I choose to keep getting folks to join. 2 this week... 1 of which is doing this awesome project very near to where I live. Check this cool initiative out.

In my case I guess I choose my delusion. 😂

I really do agree with your interpretation on blind optimism. Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I actually have zero clue if steem is going to make it. My truth is I want it to.

I'm with you 100% matey.
I really want it to succeed.

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Shut up you stupid Mother Fucker.

Haha, just kidding, great post.

What does it mean that you held too long and now are hoping for a miracle?

Shut up you stupid Mother Fucker.

Technically speaking, I cannot refute your accuracy! lol

Shut up you stupid Mother Fucker.


What does it mean that you held too long and now are hoping for a miracle?

Me?lol. No. I was the fortunate profiteer of the fates... Zero acumen involved...

I had to sell off quite a lot (a lot for me) prices between $6 and $4. ...which was just fine...(in retrospect).

I leave miracles for others. I tried them, but they never seem to work for me..... I must be reading the instructions wrong, or something...

No, no, I meant me! lol. :)

I'm w/this guy! I'm neither optimistic or delusional about my financial situation! lol

oh... bollocks! lol

Go for a long type by yourself and deal with your anger!

My prediction:

so it's goin' lower then?

Greta post man! People need self awareness and learn to manage and understand their emotions, however 90% of the population will never experience that.

I know that I know nothing. ~ Socrates 🤭

Posted using Partiko iOS

I know that I know less than nothing. ~ Patriot. lol

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And the wondered why I sold the deliberator account. :-)

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