Spotting the 'poor me' narcissist - online ....part 2

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

In the information war going on right now, the term 'know thy enemy' comes immediately after 'know thyself'.

It has never been more important to understand this than right now.
You can't fight what you can't see, and the 'poor me narcissist' is just one part of a larger enemy.
They are part of the enemy, though, make no mistake.


They are the unwitting legions in a war that will be won- or lost -but not with a few high intellect individuals guiding their forces, but in the battle on the ground.
The millions of ordinary people, fighting it out right here, online.
The weapons are truth and honesty, on one side, lies and deception on the other...

Weapons of choice, used to beat down the enemy with.
Ultimately in the long term, there can only be one winner...

But which one?

The winner will be decided by the ground war and the millions, not the generals and the politicians.
The fight right now, right here, online - is where this war will be won... or lost.

The unknowing useful idiots?

The 'poor me narcissist'.

The unseen foot soldiers in a war that they don't even have concept of even being in, but also no less dangerous because of it..
They can be encountered all across social media of course.
They get everywhere.
They are disruption without direction.
They have no big picture. No ethics, no values.
Except one.
Allegiance to themselves. Everyone, and everything else, is collateral damage to them. Of no importance.

The 'poor me narcissist'.

The internet is a good friend to the narcissist.
Anonymity, deception, fake persona's.
All the places that the narcissist just loves to play in, and an environment that feels very comfortable for them...


When reading online, as opposed to physically interacting - there are many indicators that can be used to identify these people.
Whether acted upon, or not - is up to the reader.
They can be great source of amusement, if you so wish.

It's not nice, but it can be entertaining.
I'm no angel.

But I am someone who feels it is necessary to 'out' these people to the world -and not let 'them' get away with their destructive games and deceptions..

Do not try to help these people.
A mistake often made. ( including myself. It's nice to be nice, and I can be suckered...)

The poor me narcissist will love your help..... but only for so long.
As soon as that help requires going into a deeper understanding of them, getting to really know them - well, then you will be ejected from their lives, faster than an F-35 fighter pilot at 40,000 feet, who suddenly realizes that his plane is total shit, and he'd better bail..

Why this sudden ejection ?- Because they don't want you to ever see them, not for who they really are.

To offer help for it's own sake is totally alien to them. It makes no sense to them. It does not compute.
They will gladly let you help them ( energy transfer), but only for so long as it's always them taking, and not giving.
Many don't even realize it.
There is always an angle in their world . They are always looking for an angle.
That's how they operate.


In the eyes of the poor me narcissist, openness is a weakness, honesty is a weakness, principles are a weakness. (they see them as sheer stupidity).
Their ego cannot accept - will not accept - any evidence contrary to these beliefs.
Accepting a different reality would shake their core, one that they have had for years - to the ground.
It would mean they were wrong.

And that is not acceptable.

You see, the 'poor me' narcissists tends to be on the lower end of the IQ spectrum.
There are many shades of this, and many exception's to the rule. (mostly dependent on where they sit on the IQ scale)

Everything is topsy turvy in the poor me narcissists world...
But you can't tell 'em that.

'Cos they are, like really smart, you see....

Try questioning their intelligence online - and you will be swiftly , on the receiving end of their pent up anger.
It's not pretty.

The energy sucking, time attention sucking talent, of the narcissist is a well honed skill, and online is no different.
They can suck your energy down the internet, it seems.

Things to look for when identifying a 'poor me' narcissist in your midst...or on your 'follow list', whatever..

part 1

The biggest indicator of the 'poor me' narcissist is of no surprise.
It's blindingly obvious - once you have it in your consciousness.
... without having it in your consciousnesses? You don't pick up on it.

...before getting further into specific traits.
Exceptions that must be kept in mind..

First person writing is a totally valid position to take. It is used all the time - and not to be confused with what we are trying to identify.

This is not about that, this about identifying the 'poor me' narcissist.

'I,' and 'Me'.....Simple.

Try it as an exercise (here on steemit, or any other social media).
Read a few posts (ten minimum) from the same person, and look specifically for this.

The posts will be from an 'I' perspective. (How can you expect anything different from a self absorbed narcissist?)
That's what I meant by glaringly obvious but still not seen.

Post after post after post, unwavering and consistent, all about 'Me'. It will always be in reference to 'I'.
Sometimes it will glaringly obvious, and sometime much more subtle.

Images that they use will also be in the same vein, and photo's will be predominantly of themselves.
The 'selfie poor me narcissist' after post, after post...
Egocentric to the max, they can't help themselves.

When online and in the process of community building, ingratiation is their ulterior motive.
At least initially.
To be cool.
In with 'the crowd'.
It's about ingratiating themselves into whatever tribe they assign themselves to be in, at that time.
Traveler, entrepreneur, philosopher, economist, charity, mechanic.

It's all about the group. The tribe identifier.

There is no loyalty, remember.
Only the appearance of loyalty used as a tool of expedience, to look like belonging to any given group.

Part 2

Community, tribalism, and social groups. ....And why the narcissists hate them...




Damn it I missed part 1, superb read, and resteemed with pleasure.

Thank you.. very much!

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: How to spot a poor me narcissist
Our Purpose

First person writing is a totally valid position to take. It is used all the time - and not to be confused with what we are trying to identify.

Wow!! I don't consider myself Narcissist but I always speak in first person, I find talking about objectivity (more general) than subjectivity (more personal) unnatural. (Just read my posts & comments, you'll find them filled with first person speech.)

Though I don't like being in the attention much...

lol - don't panic! lol.

Many people do that as a form of doesn't mean your narcissistic, just because of this..

(that's why I thought i better mention it!)

I just had a very quick skim of your posts - and they would not pop up on my radar in the slightest. Far from it, in fact.
I'd love to give you some examples , but not looking for a fight (which would definitely be the case..)

Haha, I figured. But I just wrote what I thought of when you talked about the "I's" and "Me's"... I think this is interesting because Narcissist people use them as a weapon, but some people just over-use them naturally.

and they would not pop up on my radar in the slightest. Far from it, in fact. I'd love to give you some examples but not looking for a fight...

Thanks for reading my posts.

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