Satire sunday - Sessions.

in #blog6 years ago

Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III (born December 24, 1946) is an American politician and lawyer serving as the 84th and current Attorney General of the United States since 2017. Sessions was a United States Senator from Alabama from 1997 to 2017, serving as a member of the Republican Party.


....Since attaining his office as attorney general, Mr Sessions has found that doing nothing about anything suits his strategy just fine.

Working diligently for decades is far more harder work than just sitting behind a desk and playing with those shiny ball's that bounce at each end, without ever moving the ones in between.

"Fascinating stuff," He once remarked, about His executive toy.

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Delegating to his subordinates like Rob Rosenstein involves far less personal effort, and it free's him up for other duties such as numerous 18 hole appointments on the golf course.

Recent criticism has come from various sources, from both in the media, and from the president himself.

His apparent lack of concern - and inaction (of the FBI, and DOJ regarding the FISA warrant corruption, scandal) has led some people to speculate that his enthusiasm for putting his ball's in holes may well extend to other areas than just the golf course.
Areas that his political enemies may well have photographic have evidence of....

While it is still only speculation - it is becoming increasingly difficult to justify Mr. Sessions obsession with doing (in legal terms)....

sod all.

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When asked about this, Mr Sessions said:

“It seems to me that Rob Rosenstein is doing a stellar job, and by letting him investigate himself and the organizations involved, it makes perfect sense."

He went on with his per-prepared speech, written on DNC headed note paper.

"Rob (Rosenstein) has been involved with this, for all these years - so who better than to look at what's really going on than him?
He's in the thick of it, already."

He went on to quickly mention his huge efforts to make a plant illegal, and take some stuff of people that belonged to them. "Because we can," Was his compelling argument, for civil asset forfeiture.

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Looking at his mobile phone He then excused himself from the press meeting, telling reporters that he had 'a pressing engagement with the 19th hole', and it needed all his attention.

As He left the press meeting, He was obviously very aware of the recent accusation concerning his possible blackmailing and lack of action.

"...Nineteen is the bar, not her age," He said jokingly, as he swiped right on his mobile device...

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Why Trump hasn’t fired this guy is beyond me. is all a little puzzling, that's for sure..

I find that when I expect only bad things from politicians, I'm no longer surprised by their lack of honor, veracity, and hard work for the American people.

I reckon I got suckered when I listened to them as promoted Q and all that nonsense about cleaning up the pedos, grifters, and war profiteers in Washington. Dunno how they roped me in, for as long as they did, either.

I've known better, almost all my adult life.


I reckon I got suckered when I listened to them as promoted Q and all that nonsense about cleaning up the pedos, grifters, and war profiteers in Washington. Dunno how they roped me in, for as long as they did, either.

Don't give up hope yet! lol...'tis the state of the natural optimist, to keep hoping, I'm afraid.

I do agree with you though - but I think as frustration grows at nothing happening - time slows down..
And this politics circus is a slow business.

I have a sneaky feeling if things start to happen - it will be like a slow avalanche taking only a few weeks. (or even days).


What the fuck 😅✌️


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