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RE: Stopping communism in the West..

in #blog6 years ago

Communism (as defined by modern politics), is a centralized means of production. (part of it, anyway).

All political communist rule has ended up as dictatorships.
Or oligarchy, or some totalitarian state in one form or another.


Everything bad you described is present day United States & co
With all spying , secret police, political rigging , censorship ... west is right now way worse than anything we have seen in the communism times (+ no free education & healthcare).
Everything is lie and deception , time for collapse ...

Yes. It is the dictatorship-part and ‘centralized means of production’-part that troubles us. Not the commune-part.

The term "communism" was first coined and defined in its modern definition by the French philosopher and writer Victor d'Hupay. In his 1777 book Projet de communauté philosophe, d'Hupay pushes the philosophy of the Enlightenments to principles which he lived up to during most of his life in his bastide of Fuveau (Provence). This book can be seen as the cornerstone of communist philosophy as d'Hupay defines this lifestyle as a "commune" and advises to "share all economic and material products between inhabitants of the commune, so that all may benefit from everybody's work".

I think you make a big mistake when you confuse a ‘voluntary sharing economy’ (a commune) with dictatorship.

I'm not confusing a commune with the 'political communism' as a system.

Communes (socialism) as a small scale system can work fine - and do work fine. (dunbar's number, kind of thing)

Communism (non local) as a political system- as in the definition of modern day, - always leads to dictatorships.

I'm not trying to re define the words. I'm trying to strip the facade off what we were led to believe, and the actual reality we have been living under for the last few decades..

Well, I think you are trying to give words a new meaning. Example:

Monopolies of industry is communism.

It is not communism. It is successful entrepreneurial activity. Capitalism is all about building monopolies:

Everything bad is not communism. You need to choose better words. are not understanding the wider picture my friend...

Labels are irrelevant.
(example )
...if apple sold 100% of mobile phones in the US - it would be a monopoly, yes?
If apple was financed by the rothchilds, and rothchilds owned the fed reserve - then apple would become the centralized means of production.
ergo it would be communism, but hidden.

multiply that by 10 corporations, covering food production (monsanto?), big pharma, energy, etc... and you have communism (being a centralized means of production)

Because it isn't labeled 'communism', it doesn't change the reality.
The Rothschild are the financial system.

You need to choose better words.

maybe, but I would counter with 'you need to choose a wider perspective.'

cheers mate.

If apple or rothshild shared all the phones they produced (or money they earned) with everyone else it would become communism. But they are not sharing their income.

Yes labels are irrelevant. And this is one of the reasons I find it unnecessary to use the label communism incorrectly. Especially when it doesn’t describe the situation very well.

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