
What is misleading about that photo? - Punch, meet Judy...

.....there was no Israel then! fake news fake news!

I think hitler was working on it though...

I don't think there is any question he was or wasn't working on it. The Zionist federation and Hitler both agreed on the "Transfer Agreement," which was to send Jews to, then Palestine, w/all their worldly goods; all they had to to was try. So yeah he was working on "it" lol

I've noticed that most people don't seem very open to the idea that WW2 was all a big zionist plot and Hitler was just a puppet - it seems to freak them out!

Yeah they become quite hysterical and call everyone a "Nazi". I used to be one of em until I at least entertained the idea that my textbook wasn't god.

And then you start wondering, until one day you find you are A FREAK!

Lol, it's not as lonely as it used to be! ;)

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