Rant #1...If you're not bored by now, then you're fucking boring...

in #blog6 years ago

'If You’re Bored, Are You Boring? '

Yeah, right, that must be it...

Yeah... errr....No..... That's just a pile of logic turned on it's head, if ever I heard it.
I guarantee motivational speakers use it as 'a truth' (and if that doesn't qualify as probably being total BS, I don't know what does).

Lets try this other perspective on for size, shall we? Let's see how this fits, instead...

I get bored without interesting people - ergo - it becomes boring.

Steemit, the social media platform, provides less and engagement with interesting people.
The interesting people seem to have fucked off and left, as time's gone on...

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It's not me, its this fuckin' place!

Why on earth would I blame myself for this? (motivational speakers have gotta create a problem, to sell the next speaking tour, I guess).

How about if the problem is nothing to do with me , but the fucking place itself?

How's that for a possibility?

Have you ever noticed how a fun party is... fun ....until it's not.
All of a sudden, as people leave , as the energy dissipates the energy changes.
Do you blame yourself for not being the life and soul of the party?
Do you blame yourself for everyone leaving? No.
Is it because you're boring? Like fuck it is, it's just changed - all by itself.

It's just the way it is, there is no blame to be laid at anyone's feet - it's just changed - from fun to not fun.
It's not rocket science, and no psychoanalyzing is necessary.

It's really that simple.
The space that was fun, is no longer fun.
No guilt complexes or self flagellation required.

So, the fun people have left the party... so what do you do then?

Do you try to find the guy in the corner, who's busily knitting crotchet,(or writing code), interesting?
Just how do you do that, then?
Do you give yourself small incremental lobotomies, until you find John the crotchet knitter interesting?
Yeah, fuck that right off..
I'd prefer to keep my gray matter and be bored, thank you very much.

And that's another thing, (while I'm ranting) - have you ever noticed that the good things that happen, seem to require fuck all effort?

When I came to steemit, nearly 2 years ago, there was no effort involved in meeting fun and interesting people.

It.... just..... happened......No effort required.

I dunno about you lot, but I never make the effort.
Now, why the fuck would I want to do that?
I've got a personality, and I don't need to make any effort to meet interesting people.
If it happens, it happens, and if it doesn't, it doesn't.

This might be 'the normal operating system', for those who live in basement - whose operating systems are their best friends, and social interactions are 'just a bit weird'...but that's not me.

I'm not the basement dweller. Nor do I ever want to be.
So fuck that to.

And if steemit is gonna become a social media place of note, we need more real people here, more interesting people.
And no I'm not blaming myself for fuck all.

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'Cos guess what?

If it ain't interesting and fun when you arrive - then why the hell would you stay?

This of course, is somewhat of a rhetorical question....

...and I find myself running out of satisfying answers..

There are people here that I find very interesting. Fun!
And that's cool.
But the pool size is shrinking, and that's not cool.

All the best things that have happened to me in my life, have come to me very easily.
People really resent that, for some reason.
Well... fuck you...It's not my fault I find life easy. It's a talent....and I'm not finding Steemit 'easy' anymore.

Give me interesting people, or give me death!!!!!!!!!!!!
(copious amounts of alcohol will do it to).


...in my next rant, I'll explain how to be a sensitive human being...


I have to disagree w/only one portion of your rant. I think it's a lot more rewarding to have to "try", cuz in the effort of trying fun things happen (this has been my life experience anyway!) I'm not hating on your cuz you are a magnet for interesting people and easy times but only have my own experience to draw from! ;)
I always love a good rant. Good show!

I think it's a lot more rewarding to have to "try", cuz in the effort of trying fun things happen

'try' and 'effort' - are about perspectives of your own actions I guess.

I never tried to hitch across Europe for 4 months - I just did it.
I never tried to travel for 3 decades , I just did it.
I never tried to....see my point?

If i'm not just doing- (trying?)...nah... fuck that. lol

But all these things required "effort" correct? I think that was my point, "trying" is dog whistling for having to provide effort to accomplish said goal, at least in the context we're using.

I think my definition of effort is more like....'work', maybe?

Effort without work is effortless, if you see my point....? ( I know what I mean... lol)

Lol, fair enough. I think we both see our own points! Thumbs way up for productive conversation!! ;)

...in my next rant, I'll explain how to be a sensitive human being...

I'll be sitting on pins and needles till that next rant...Hurry it the fuck up; I've been looking for 'free' sensitivity training.

You have DRAMA!

To view or trade DRAMA go to steem-engine.com.

I continued to think about this... And there is no unpredictability. We all know who is likely to vote, who is likely to comment... It is boring as heck.

...this doesn't bode well for the ecosystem....d-day+78....

Get out there and make it fun! I totally think you are right by the way, we are in a boring slump. But it isn't the end of the party it's a lul.

....psi ops are fun!
Especially when you tell them about them, before hand..lol

Psychological warfare, agent @whatsup! ....psychological warfare...

It might not be 'fun'.... but at least it's more interesting than watching paint dry...


I'm am Stephen, and I claim my $20! lmao...

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