Quantico campaign underway!!!....Kind of...The forces...part 2 ulog #5

in #blog6 years ago

As General Mickey headed south towards Quantico, out of Denton, he had mixed feelings about this whole campaign.
He found this very strange.
He rarely had any feelings.
' Gets in the way of the job of killin', he always thought. And He was very good at his job.

Hopefully he would be retired from the service after this campaign and allowed to go back home, to Texas, and his cat's.
He found that he got far more sense out of his cats than he did people.
'When's the last time you saw 600 cats lined, up trying to blow gaping holes out of the another 600 cats lined up', He's once said to an enthusiastic officer, who was questioning the General's sanity. (that seemed to happen a lot, oh well.).

War was for jackasses, and he wanted non of it.
BUT, he was also very good at his job.

Grab the box in Quantico, hop on the waiting boat to ferry the cargo back to Virginia, and then back home to Texas.
Sounded like a plan.
He also knew how plans had a tendency to not work out, as planned...

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He had a good army with him but he knew nothing of the enemy facing him, either in numbers, disposition , or quality.
He hated not knowing these things, but he had had no time for preparation.

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...Meanwhile, further South....

...Just as General E.D. Mickey was thinking his thoughts about Texas and his cats, Brigadier Dexterdumb was finding the principle of opposable thumbs hilarious, and Brigadier Doomsday- Chassis though of an ingenious idea concerning steam engines - but he had no time to persue it, he was busy looking for his scattered regiments. They just had to be around here somewhere...

Major general Blewitt had gathered himself together somewhat, after his initial panic on hearing the news of the rebel forces heading his way. He looked down at the map of the Delaware peninsular.
...And then he panicked again, realizing that he really didn't have a bloody clue what he was doing....

It was only Brigadier Baah that seemed to have his wits about him, and so he intervened in the verbal hysteria eminating from his superior officer, by proposing a strategy to meet the enemy...
The first job was to find out where the individual army regiments were.



Unless countermanded by Gen Mickey (or his cats), I'll be taking my brigade down the Seafort/Salisbury road

The Texas 3rd, 4th, and 7th will stake the road hexes; in order with the 3rd in the van.

The Alabamans will flank the 3rd on either side.

I don't suppose I've had time to organize former Texas Rangers into a scouting troop yet?


LeRoy...one of Major General E.D. Mickey's (many) cats was hungry.
LeRoy was ALWAYS hungry.
Some said that he ate like a bird....many, many times a day.
That was true
Birds eat twice their body weight a day...
Cat's are obligate carnivores...they eat meat.
Major General E.D. Mickey (and his cats)...surveyed the enemy.

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