Patriot's crystal balls.....

in #blog6 years ago


Ok, the fortune teller jpeg is a bit weird, but you get the point.

Here we go....

The stock market will crash sometime within the next 140 days!!

Why ?

Nothing to do with Stormy Daniels..
(Although the storm is coming and there will lots of drinking of Daniels.)

1/ The globalist Cabal is losing ground - and they do not like to lose. It is an all or nothing situation for them. The deepstate are in a corner, and will fight like the proverbial cornered rat. They need Trump gone .

2/ The mid term elections are the last chance for Dems to find a route to impeach Trump.

(the only reason for all the stone walling, foot dragging, and obstructionism - on everything from FBI memo requests from congress, to Mueller staying on the Russian collusion investigation.)

3/ The UK bond yield inverted yesterday for a time. This is precisely what happened in 2007, before the US got hit.

The economic collapse is inevitable - it's timing has nothing to do with economics, all to do with politics. The markets are being propped up for the collapse to occur at a strategic point in before the mid terms.....

The last time that Warren Buffett made very serious money has been with the financial crisis in 2007-2008. When millions of people lost their life savings and the hope for a decent future life he made more than $10 bln. By its own admission, this is not because he is a great investor:
"If I didn't think the government was going to act, I would not be doing anything this week. I am, to some extent, betting on the fact that the government will do the rational thing here and act promptly."
Buffett told the above to CNBC after investing $5 bln in Goldman Sachs. Sure enough the US government did just that.

So you see, you do not have to be an "oracle" to profit from stocks of companies which you know will be saved with public money when you are pals with the President, the Treasury Secretary and the Fed Chair and they can guarantee that to you. There are few in Wall Street who can represent more egregiously today's crony capitalism than Warren Buffett.


Warren buffet , 3 days ago...


By the stock market crashing at some point before now and the midterm elections, chaos will ensue, making it much more likely for the democrats to gain seats - which is the only possible way that they will impeach trump....and from there , more chaos.
Order from chaos...

Do I think it will work?

There is no stopping the crash, that's just a matter of when, not if..

But people are awakening at a quicker rate than the deep state is suppressing. They are losing the information war, and they know it.
Not just in the US, but worldwide.

The crash is a double edged sword for the deep state. It's a cans of worms that will be opened and one that they do not want the population to even be aware of...(although increasing numbers are, anyway).

But it's the only weapon they have left to use, double edged or not. After that they are done. Win or lose.

Paradoxically, the subterfuge of old that has served them so well so far, (as in foreign funding and support from other countries for armed uprisings) , ...cannot work this time.

The one positive aspect of a global world and instant communications.
The internet - A CIA -deep state fueled invention for subterfuge and secure communications in cold war times - will be the rope that hangs them!

Poetic justice, indeed.....


....and maybe - just before the collapse....

The 'black swan event' ( an event that no one sees coming) that isn't a black swan event.
A contrived false flag.
Terrorism? Deutshe Bank/European collapse? North Korea? Ukraine? Syria?....

A dirty bomb in the US? It will have to be something big- something to match the desperation felt by the deep state.

Something big enough for them to try and gain back the narrative...

They won't....



sounds like a good TV show.
whoopie gold berg can play warren buffet.

The best art is life...

.....this is the best (worst) show in our lifetimes...(I would have preferred the show to start in about 30 yrs time - ish)

(well, maybe not your lifetime- - I imagine the barbarians at the gates of Rome was quite exciting!! 😂 )

young upstarts.
I recall the days of the fall of atlantis.
THAT was exciting.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂


weapons are to be felt...and not seen.
they'll find out soon enough.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Prediction
Our Purpose

Oh yes, its going to happen.

From my perspective, the stock market crashes have been used to destroy the middle class. However, there isn't much left. Most people do not own any stock and have less than $500 to their name. For these people, nothing will change.

However, when this crash happens, and when the bail-ins happen, people will be looking for a safe place. Many will run to gold (albeit, too late) but some will run to cryptos.

It will be like someone on a sinking ship, being rocked in a storm, runs over to a neighboring ship where its peaceful and sailing full steem ahead. It will be so great a change that most people will just be struck in awe.

I wish more people were getting into cryptos.

1/However, when this crash happens, and when the bail-ins happen, people will be looking for a safe place. Many will run to gold (albeit, too late) but some will run to cryptos.

2/I wish more people were getting into cryptos.

When 1/ happens , 2 will shortly follow - which will be great for us!
Paper gold and silver contracts will eat up real metals, (and lots of jumping off skyscrapers shortly after when they realize the paper gold contracts are worthless).

Crypto will be one of the few places that big money can park their wealth. ...happy days for us...

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