Let's not get blinded. The elephant isn't going away...yet..part 2

in #blog7 years ago

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What is intelligence?

This is a philosophical question that has been discussed in forums and universities for millennia.

It is with only with the recent psychological sciences that for the first time, we have been able to 'standardize' intelligence. To measure it.

This is IQ testing.

It has been extensively used for the last 100 year or so, and has been found to be the the most accurate tool to define intelligence.

It is most certainly the best tool we have for the job.

The US army used IQ testing, to find potential officer material within it's ranks.
The US army noticed a difference between white and black IQ testing.
Racial investigations and correlations were investigated further.....

Some very interesting facts - not opinions, came to light based on this IQ testing.

Ashkenazi Jews came out with the highest IQ's of all.

East asians came out with the second highest IQ.

Caucasian next.

Then Hispanic.

Then Blacks in North America and Northern Saharan blacks.

Sub Saharan blacks.


...and finally pygmy races.

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This is uncomfortable mathematics. But mathematics nonetheless.

Any uncomfortable feelings that arise with these facts are emotional. Emotions are not an argument.

Facts in the today's emotionally charged, 'racial political correctness' arena, will come into conflict.

The facts do not change because of emotions.

The easy argument from the disingenuous - those who refuse to look at facts and wallow in emotion -is to try and correlate human value with intelligence.

At best, this is projection - and at worst, an attempt to manipulate others.
It is presumptive, and stupid.

ALL humans have equal value as humans.

That does not mean all humans are as intelligent as each other. Fact.
IF these IQ differences correlate to race, so be it.

It's not nice, it is not comfortable.

The facts still remain.

It explains so much if you can accept the IQ as an empirical method, and ditch the cultural marxist brainwashing.
(I will go into more detail later).

Obviously IQ is not an 'absolute' based on any single individual.
......'I know a Jew who is as stupid as a brick, or ' I know a black guy, and he's a genius...'

Of course these people exist! This is not the point.

To understand how all this works we need to understand bell curve graphs, and the accuracy they express.

We need to establish the the validity of the bell curve graph.

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They are very simple visualization representations of understanding the spread of numbers within populations, and how that spread shows up.

Understanding the bell curve graph and what it means, is the first step away from emotional rhetoric, and towards scientific acceptance.

It is a very powerful visual tool to help dispel preconceived ideas.
Once people can accept that the bell graph curve representations are real, we can delve deeper.

part 3 ...the bell curve graphs – in graphs, funnily enough...


Try to explain this to a social justice warrior here in 2018. 😆😂🤣

The reason I'm going to the bell curve explanations, and how it represents spreads in populations... start slow....lol

A SJW would get triggered within 10 seconds of you bringing this stuff up.

I'll have to find a sjw, 'political beliefs' bell curve graph, then....😂

Good luck on that! 😆

did I write this?
(checking name of author)
nope...not me...
I could have..


This is, by far, one of the most fascinating topics in the field of psychology for me. And that is why I woudl like to add my two cents as well :

Although it is mathematics, one has got to keep in mind how the Army Testing Program was standardised.

Standardisation involves administering the test to a sample of the population for which it is intended.

It is extremely important to take into account how much class, educational background and cultural differences influence on performance on IQ tests. No wonder why the Jews scored the highest and the aborígenes the lowest. Back in the day - very much like with the Army Test - the first version of the WAIS was standardised on a sample of white, educated, employed adults from a middle-class, white-majority suburb of New York (Boake, 2002).

In other words, imagine testing aborigines IQ levels through asking them questions about American culture, such as baseball. Some of the people who undertook the Army test had never held a pen in their lives before. So, the question is. Are they unitelligent or uneducated? Would Americans, back them, have scored high on the equivalent of an aborigene IQ test?

The way that The Army Test Programme was designed and had its results interpreted disadvantaged the recent immigrants, the poor, and the African-American recruits for those very reasons.

I am enjoying this series already and looking forward to seeing what you will tell us about the bell-curve.

Best :)

Of course the army standardized testing was a historical reference, to put the IQ testing in historical context.

As you say, intelligent and uneducated are not the same thing.

It is extremely important to take into account how much class, educational background and cultural differences influence on performance on IQ tests

Things have come a long way since the beginning of last century....both methodology , sample groups, discounting biases. (cultural, social, etc)

It is the key to dispelling the old fashioned 'ism's, and seeing things through a much clearer lens, in my opinion...and to changing the political landscape.

I'm glad you're so interested in this, and really appreciate your comments as I delve further...

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