Lead a horse to water, to let him to drink? Don't be stupid... Don't try to teach.

in #blog5 years ago

Personally, I don't want a horse so placid, that it has to be led to water to drink.

I want a horse that uses it's own initiative, and finds the friggin' water for himself.

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I don't want to teach anything to anyone.
People are free to learn.

I want people that are thirsty to learn, to rip useful knowledge from me- and any other source.

Further education?

....be led to the water, and given the water we choose for you to drink. No thinking required, just lap it up, there's a good boy.

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...be led to the production facility, and be given the tools we choose for you to use. No thinking required, lap it up, there's a good slave.

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Leading a horse to water?

Nah. No thanks
Not the kind of horse I'd want in my stables.

Are you teaching, or are you just thirsty for the adolescent adoration?
Will any kind of hero worship suffice?
Are ego's so fragile, that wide eyed sycophants will nourish and help to sustain your fading sense of self worth?

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Are you really a teacher, or an unconscious leecher?

Do you aim to make yourself redundant, or are you, instead, trying desperately to make yourself invaluable?

Know thyself.

Are you strong enough to truly be yourself?

Are you strong enough to Insist on finding your own waters, knowing that it's only there, that you will you find any racetracks worth running.

Or are you more content to be led to water, told what to drink, and be well looked after?

There is no shame in being who you are.
Whatever that is.

Trying to be something that you're not, at the expense of your own integrity, is playing small, is cowardly in it's quality, and is just plain fucking stupid.

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Guilt and shame for playing small, WILL manifest itself...

I would know, I've got the T-shirt.

Hell, I made the fucking T-shirts.

But then I grew up.


If you have a horse , tread it kind and respectful , one day it might get you out of the dessert , to a ocean if your lucky , where you will have to set the horse free . ;-)

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