Is being a Socialist indicative of future mental illness....?

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


".....If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not an Independent thinker at 35, You Have No Brain....."

....or something....

But is that all there is too it? really? Or is there more to it..?

As you see the older socialist you still see that teenage anger - glimpses of that adolescent tantrum, that anger that comes of a utopia not being realized.
The frustration – the impotence - of being unable to change things. To change the status quo.

While initially seeming to be a laudable quality - this passion of teenage years - is it actually indicative of something much deeper, and much more dangerous?

Socialism cannot be defended on it's historical track record. This is a fact.
Nor can it be defended intellectually.

This being the case, the socialist has to resort to lies, force, intimidation, and mental manipulation to achieve it's aims. (very self evident looking at the US, at the moment).

It cannot stand up to real scrutiny, so the proponents attempt to divert the focus away from it.

IF a socialists tactics are such, and these are the only weapons to be used – as opposed to logic, empiricism, and reason, (truly free markets) then obviously there something fundamentally flawed with the system itself.

Unless you are in favor of totalitarianism. (always the final result of attempting to install a socialist system,).


NOW -Imagine if you know this deep down. (as you get older)
-That the system is flawed, and essentially totalitarian in nature. (there are intelligent socialists).

OK, so now you find that you have invested years of your time – of your energy and of your commitment -to this cause - know knowing it is fundamentally incorrect.

The adult- the mature individual would say “ shit, I have been duped”, and then spend the necessary time feeling like an idiot, and getting over the ego crushing feeling- and the anger- of all those wasted years.

Of all the BS you swallowed.

NOW - Imagine if you have a very fragile ego, and you are narcissistic, and suddenly realize too many years have gone by of you backing the wrong horse.


Would the narcissist, the fragile ego'ed individual, prefer to carry on regardless rather than admit they were wrong...?

And so the teenage angst emerges.....

It isn't idealistic fervor motivating them any more...

It's knowing they were wrong, and trying their desperate best to avoid growing up!



socialists are either mentally incompetent
..........or evil.
I see no third alternative.

I think it starts with
and ,over time- knowing they are wrong, leads to

Cognitive dissonance!👌

If You Are Not a Liberal at 25, You Have No Heart. If You Are Not an Independent thinker at 35, You Have No Brain

In going with the Oz theme, dareth I say... but what if I wear sparkly red stilettos?

lol - then you have no hope lol

Oh noooo Obiwan...!

Wait, I'm mixing movies ;)'s late where you are....have a nap!

Yup, it is 1 am. I am off to search for the cool side of the pillow :)

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