Intellectual Property, the UN, and the communist con trick.

in #blog6 years ago

The UN and intellectual property.

The best way to understand what the UN is actually saying, is to invert whatever they actually do say, and somewhere around there, you will find the truth...

Using that perspective regarding Intellectual Property, (IP) you will get to see what the real agenda actually is.

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the specialized agencies of the United Nations (UN). WIPO was created in 1967 "


Why would they take this issue so seriously?
Because they want to stifle ideas and free thinking, that's why.
It is insidious in it's disguise, and all the more dangerous for it.

...On first inspection, it seems like an almost noble cause – to protect people from stealing your ideas from you.
On closer inspection the full pure evilness of it becomes apparent...

Jefferson once said
(noting how Intellectual Property is different from other kinds of property):

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."

Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Isaac McPherson, Monticello, August 13, 1813.

As always seems to be the case, Jefferson hit on the very crux of the matter, and one that the UN wish to make the exact opposite through laws and regulations.

Before seeing the twisted UN logic for what it is and how it destroys growth and innovation- we must understand, or at least try to define, what property is – and is not.

The most simple of understanding makes for the best definitions, in my opinion.

Property is the ownership of the tangible. From self, to houses, to land..

The intangible an never be owned, only kept. (to yourself in this context of this post.. i.e ideas.)

When the intangible is let out out into the world (you speak), it is no longer your exclusive property, and it belongs to the recipients just as much.
Ideas are just that, and without any practical implementation, are nothing..

This is the essence of free enterprise, expansion, and growth. It's people with motivation and ambition using their knowledge to be beneficial to themselves.


Again, to keep it in simplest context – Just imagine a scenario if IP was a thing , from the beginning of time.

Would every hunter have to pay the inventor of the knife to make one? Could only the inventor of the knife make them?
It is ridiculous of course, but no less so today.
Complexity of today's world makes it appear to be so, but that is just smoke and mirrors.
(...just like most legislation today in fact...Complexity is the friend of Marxists).

IP is the exact extension of that same principle of the prehistoric knife maker...

(Subway, for example wanted the IP right to 'foot-long'. They wanted to own anyone being able to use that term in text, worldwide. We have now entered the marisxt insanity zone..all through IP legislation...)

...and this is where the UN agenda really comes into play, and shines a light on their true intentions.

If you control IP, you control what is allowed, and what isn't allowed , based purely on an idea. On words. Nothing more.

IP stifles free thinking not enhances it.
A thought, an idea, then a tool of control and resources acquisition , rather than an idea to acquire resources through hard work and ambition.
It becomes a legal instrument of ownership, and not an expansive concept that include everyone to use.

Good ideas are great – and the intelligent people of the world understand the value in these ideas.
And they also understand by legislating to maintain ownership of just ideas , they maintain control of the production of those ideas.
A centralized means of production if you will....
They control the masses through denial of useful ideas that can be implemented by anyone..

In today's world that means a forever upward transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich. The rich can 'own' the ideas through money.
Without IP legislation, this is not possible.

The upwards transfer of wealth is stopped in its tracks and reverses.
New ideas used everywhere without IP restrictions, or government regulations, WIDENS the wealth base exponentially almost - or at least to any one that wants to try and give something a go...

If you own all the new ideas... you control the future of mankind...


But if you cannot own any new ideas, once out in the open market, everything changes.

We might even find a useful role for all those soon to be empty, UN buildings..
As a globalist communist entity, the UN wants that control of all ideas, and the constant transfer of upwards wealth that come with that.
More and more centralization of power means strengthening that pyramid structure that they love so much.

The closer we move towards a NWO, one world government. Communism.


Now imagine NO IP.

You have a great idea, so you bring people that you trust onboard – and then you get knifed in the back!
Your great idea is spread far and wide, and others profit from it.

Sucks, uh?
Angry, uh?

But what are you angry at?
Being knifed in the back, or at yourself?
It was your own poor decision making that caused this problem, afterall - on whom to trust...?

Isn't that down to individual responsibility?

Isn't this what the marxists are trying to eradicate?

Let the state make those personal decisions for you?

IP is control through the back door, by taking away an individuals responsibility for his own (bad) choices... mmmm...

...Just like communism, the basis of IP absolves the individual from responsibility.
...The responsibility of being rewarded for making the right decisions, and being penalized for making the wrong ones.

But don't penalize the person who takes that forward and actually does something with an idea.
Let the free market decide who has best utilized those great ideas, by the products that emerge in the market place.
Simple, uh?

WITHOUT IP, new unique products would soon become commonplace quicker.
Society wins, and people are then encouraged to find other, newer, unique things.
...and so the process starts all over again.
Using this dynamic, traveling to the stars becomes a much more serious proposition...

IP laws are creating an entrenched position through legislation.
Ideas do not move forward in the same dynamic, energetic way - it just creates a slowing down of new ideas which get stuck in bureaucracies and eventual stagnation.

As does communism..


If it comes from the UN, be afraid.
Be very afraid...


UN !?
it always amazes me how you always avoid pointing at real controllers of the world . Scared or part of that group ?

it always amazes me how you never offer anything of your own..

which group?

the ones who are controlling everything

"The ones"? Please don't just say "the Jews," because just as many Anglo- American, Celtic, and European bloodlines have assisted them and demanded a piece of the NWO action.

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He means Canadians, we've been running the show for a long time.
Alex Trebek and and Michael J Fox were our shock commando's in the 80's and 90's.
Now Ryan Reynolds is running the entire world.


We demonstrated our power with little hats, we call them toques which we forced the worlds youth to wear even in hot nightclubs 4 years or so ago.
It's Hush-Hush though so don't tell anyone

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Intellectual Property
Our Purpose

Wow, that was deep. Scary as well. Fear N.W.O the US AND UN together they are poisoning all the sheeple, the wolves, and anyone else. No matter there position

Trade Secrets are a thing.
IF they can be kept secret.

yup, I agree...and if they can't.. no problem...

It is interesting to hear what Jefferson thinks about it. The founding fathers were great visionaries, their way of understanding politics and society was second to none.

Coincidentally I have seen this phrase on facebook a few seconds ago.

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery"


Although they are only phrases, they end up describing all the thought that these great men had, and under which they built a great nation.

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