If steemit goes down, do our post remain accessible ?

in #blog5 years ago

..or do you have to copy all your old material?....., just in case...?

Just thinking out loud, I'm not scaremongering! lol

scaled map - Copy - Copy - Copy.jpg


Since the steemit interface for writing posts is not very good, and has dumped people's posts before, i write everything in KWrite (notepad) and save it on my computer.

Now, steemit.com can go down and has.
If it happens you can just go to busy.org or steemd.com and read your posts there.

If STEEM (the blockchain) goes down, there is nothing left. But, STEEM is a group of computers. All the witnesses are storing a copy of your blog posts. So, all of the witnesses would have to shut off their machines. Of course, a programming error could corrupt them all. Or make them all unreachable.

So, there is probably a 99.44% chance that all your data will be lost.
When you try to look at your old posts on your one hundredth birthday, you will find that you can't scroll back to the beginning of your posting.
(actual bug in steemit.com that hasn't been fixed yet)

ok, cheers...

As long as there is at least one witness, it will be fine.

However, @eonwarped created this tool a while back and you can load and download all posts:


Cheers matey.
my account is @lucylin I presume? ....nothing appears to be happening...mmmm..what am I doing wrong? lol

Looks like it has moved to helpie. Link at the top. Can't check myself at the moment

ok no worries - I went to the helpie - still nothing...no probs. Cheers

I was putting in the '@' - doh! fixed now, thanks.

got it - no '@' . doh! thanks again.

Are you trying to freak everyone out?

I thought when Ned came out and said "I've been stealing all the money with my evil sidekick sneak so now I'm going to sack everyone" that the price of Steem would drop - but just then bitcoin went back up over 4K so everything is cool for a few hours - all of it is a circus designed to teach me to just enjoy the ride!

I have no idea but I'm not panicking yet - Steem once went down to 0.08 cents and came back - we were freaking out a bit though!

But I do keep copies of my posts on my blog...


As long as we have witnesses we the post will remain.

ok, thanks..

Everything you have ever posted, and everything everyone else on the BlockChain has posted since it's inception is readily available....updated ever three seconds. I imagine it's quite a few gigabytes now. Do you have a big hard drive handy?

2.44 mb! lol. All text documents - txt - no graphics - perfect.
The only bad thing ,or maybe not, - is that they are in alphabetical order - not chronological - and they all have todays date on them.

I've just downloaded it now - in a zip file - I'll you know in a while...

it just posts I've done..

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