If it all goes dark....it might light a creative candle..

in #blog6 years ago (edited)

move 1 - Copy - Copy.jpg

I'm here still waiting to get cut off before my steemit power down...It's all very tense don't ya know? lol

The thing is, I can't concentrate on doing anything - I'm just sat here, browsing for nothing, waiting.... Which is bloody annoying.
The sword of Damocles is a tad over dramatic , I know, but that's what it feels like...(maybe more of a dull knife).

So IF I go dark, while I wait for up time again, I 'm gonna write some stuff where constant researching and pic finding isn't necessary.

I'm goin' to write some travel memory, or some fiction! I dunno.

But something that allows me to go inside my head, rather than inside googles guts .

It's a bad habit I never meant to do , and I definitely know my 'other stuff' has suffered.

So it might work out for the best if I go dark for an hour or 5....

We will see - the race is still on! lol.

1 hour-ish to power down, v's the internet cut off....I'd be biting my nails, if that was something I did...

(I'll have coffee instead..)


Well, i hope the timing has fallen in your favor.

But that image above, don't they know that's useless?
If you disconnect your hardwire connection, NSA will just have your computer turn on the wifi for a second and broadcast your important information anyway.
Besides, that cable is designed to be easily removed without the aid of a tool. I bet this (not a geek) has been watching too many 80s bond films.

19 minutes to go.......lol

On the bright side, I once leased a house for 6 months in Thailand, on the dark side. I had the internet and TV deal, & never knew where to pay it, they left it on for the 6 months, and I never paid for it once lol.

lol - I've had that one too! (not on the darkside)
we stayed connected! yaaaaaaaaaaaay

thanks a lot for that, really.- I'll get it back to you as soon I power down next week!

No worries, it is not like it is worth a lot anymore anyway,

...going to tha moon.........................

NO MOON FOR ME I just delegated most my sp out to other people. :-) I am dying bro, who cares!

financially you mean?....not literally..

The latter bro, such is life, but hey, fuck it, it is and was ace, so no biggie.

Shit mate, I never knew.

but hey, fuck it, it is and was ace, so no biggie.

..my sentiment to I think, about myself.

Still shit though.

pic a picture in real time- 2 seconds to decide - as a wolf, which would you rather be?


move 1 - Copy - Copy.jpg

you don't have to like the other wolves...

fair enough, but evolution would dictate that the 'winners' of the wolf world, are the pack, not the individual...

If you are in war, you need allies when the enemy is bigger than you...

Just power down your router. Hard wire crashes, and WiFii goes down.

Then install a Unix based OS, it will drive them nuts, ROFLOL!

You will drop off their radar faster than a meteorite!


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