How to be a happy parasite ...

in #blog6 years ago

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Over this last week, my website building empire ( ahem, copy and pasting), has now reached the heady heights of....
drum roll...
...more drum rolls, for suspense...

..... 3 websites!

That might not sound like a lot, but all this copying and pasting takes time, don't ya know? ($1.85 in coms now!)

Anyways, as my principles lower to achieve commercial success, my killer instincts are increasing once more....
I haven't quite felt this 'killer instinct' in me for some time, and I must say - I'm rather enjoying it! - a lot more than I thought I was going to. (Maybe I retired too early!)

You can take the man out of the business, but you can't take the business out of the man, kinda thing.

(I dunno... but that just seemed like it was was too good a line, not to write. lol)

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In the vein of my new found focus, I now have much less internal conflict in terms of 'plagiarism principles'.

I don't mean plagiarism as such (a hanging offense if ever there was one), but my previous reticence of finding better writers than myself (not too difficult), and then injecting and changing it around , using my own words and my messages to make it a much better piece than writing purely by my own efforts, from scratch.

It seems to be a better strategy than me laboring for approximately 3 years per paragraph, to even coming close to measuring up to the quality I see in other peoples writing.
Who knows, I might even improve my own writing actually using this process..?

I remember writing a post many moons ago on here addressing just this question, and my own moral conundrum in approaching writing posts, using this very strategy.
Well, that moral conundrum has now totally evaporated ! lol - after only 3 days of doing it on my own websites !

So you can expect some much better composed posts, but it's still all me...

I've just grabbed some elses post and made it my own...
I'll post it in a few minutes..

Your comments would be highly appreciated.
(not on this post, but the next one.)
Well, you can comment on this post to of course, obviously - but that's not what I mean..

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parasites are never happy.
They are constantly in fear. They know they can't make it on their own.
So, the stress is high, and although they may smile, it is just an act.

But, maybe that is just because they don't "know" they are a parasite and embrace the parasite life style?

shit - what does that say about me then?

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