How's your you tube experience goin'?

in #blog6 years ago

Has anyone noticed the difference in the way you tube is providing other channels +recommended+ to you lately?

daily patriot.jpg

It's all yet another attempt to deflect you from what you want to see, and what they want you to see.
Authoritative information on current events apparently, and non of your propagandist Alex Jones material.
(their words, not mine)..

I HAVE noticed a difference in the presented channels to me, that's for sure. It is quite subtle - at the moment, but when it fails the draconian algorithm will be ramped up, I'm pretty sure.

It doesn't, or won't, change the channels I'm looking for, and I would assume for most people here...BUT it might have an effect on the wider, unaware, viewing public.
Hopefully it won't, and time will only illustrate to the YouTube commies, that this is yet another failed attempt to control peoples viewing habits.

daily patriot.jpg

Us pesky people get in the way of a good control mechanism, don't we?
If only we knew better, like the really clever people at youtube, and facebook, and twitter.

It would stop all this 'free thinking' nonsense.


there you have it , westerners are allowing this deep state scum to live freely in their countries despite all crimes for very long time . I guess it was all nice and good when they were colonizing poor countries because those people are stupid and trey deserve to be slaves .
Unfortunately for you , you are also considered stupid by them and they are showing you their real face now ...
tell us more about communism please (imbecile)

tell us more about communism please (imbecile)

I've told you lots about it.
Let's see your opinions on why it's so good

Oh that's right, you can't because you know it's shit. (or you are too lazy to write any opinion.)

Whatever the reason ...If you don't deliver something, you are a living example of why it's shit...

and by the way
'I've told you lots about it'
your knowledge about that topic is only deep state propaganda , nothing else .
I can't believe someone can be so stupid to trust sources you do

Well, I asked for your sources to cross reference and verify information. That's what I like to do...
Guess what ?....


You should stop posturing, you have nothing. You offer no tangible information, nothing.
Are you not embarrassed yet? Just a little?
Why not learn things instead of pretending to know , and just giving one liners with nothing to back up your suppositions?

ok imbecile , go back to youtube

Still nothing.....give me something, some tangible information - sources you use... - I dare ya! lolol

... nada?
...? zip.

...You have zero.

I gave you first hand real life data but you love your deep state more then anything .
you are beyond stupid and you deserve everything coming your way

I gave you first hand real life data


'Data'.... as in your opinion? That's opinion, not data. There is a difference.

I had to tell you about your own economic history!

  • I supplied you data to show you my sources - remember?...

Stupid is the refusal to learn anything.
Insecurity of a position causes a defensive response, and an inability to learn (like yourself).
This expresses itself by not dealing in facts and information, just opinion..

Really stupid people, can't see how stupid they are...

Less stupid people drop their ego, learn some humility, and see intelligence in others, and take advantage of that...

Where are you on this spectrum, do you think...?
Grow (up), and learn...

communism no longer exist , for us it was much better than what we currently have . the problem everybody have right now is not political system , its group of mentally ill morons that owns everything and you are still somehow unable to see that .

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Do not open links from users you do not trust. Do not provide your private keys to any third party websites.

UToob is beginning to annoy me.
I look for technical aquaponics, foamed concrete, raising black soildier fly larva...and what not. I'm not the least bit interested in THEIR poly-ticks. (Unless they can be fed to fish)...and yet I'm constantly encountering it.... is irritating me a bit, to...

@lucylin Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

Glad to meet you And Upvoted you :) !
“wash off the journey” ====> Okey Ndibe

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