Caring women (and feminists) MUST now support making porn. A Vital move...

in #blog7 years ago (edited)


(NOT nsfw) ....I mean, it makes total sense - if you think about it....

As any female wanting true equality -both now and in the future-, wouldn't they want to put their sexual partners or themselves - in a compromising position?
Knowing that the sexual encounters they have today, might come back and haunt them tomorrow is an outcome neither parties would want, surely?

The accusation of sexual impropriety, without visual evidence must be a nightmare.

Of course with today's technology, this doesn't need to be the case anymore.

As a caring, justice minded individual, there can be no other greater desire than to see transparency and honesty.

All women are pretty much duty bound in fact, to insist on making a quick 2 minute porno between you and your partner having fun together – simply to avoid any future issues regarding consent and accusations.

The truth is more important than any persons individual modesty, surely?


It behooves everyone - that believes in justice -to get filming a few minutes of your most ecstatic moments together, (saved by both parties, of course).

This is not a record of sex, it IS a record of consent.

Actually if you DON'T INSIST on making a quick porno with your boyfriend or girlfriend - you could be seen as being nothing but a hateful, dishonest, manipulative, deceitful person who puts individual modesty above ensuring future justice...

Your very virtuousness demands you get filming!

Social justice for all...
You can't have thing's both ways.(although 'going both ways' is perfectly acceptable).

Thank you to all the feminists out there. It is only through your tireless work that brings us to this point in time.
All justice loving people salute you!

The feminist intelligence is something to behold, it truly is...


Here is a link to my earlier post with facts that only enforce this very common sense, very rational, position to take..

images google

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