Black swan event, or part of the controlled collapse of central banking..?

in #blog6 years ago


We all know the fiat currency system, and the central banking system itself is designed to fail.
We know this it's math, nothing more.

The current system started back in the early par to of the 20th century, and although reset via the petro dollar transition in the early 70's (from the gold standard), it was just that - I reset to slow down the point of collapse.

It fixed nothing, it just delayed something that's inevitable.

There a two broad trains of thought regarding this in relation to our current political situation both in Europe, and in the U.S.

The first group think this is Trump's move to destroy the federal reserve.
The fed are the architects of the system. ( well central banks worldwide, but will use the term 'fed' as representative of them all).
For Trump to destroy the grip of central banks on the world, an economic collapse is needed - and to some degree, is inevitable - as is the pain that comes with it.
A true reset will be painful.

The other option in this, is that Trump is part of the cabal, and trying to continue the paradigm of further debt, poverty worldwide, and eventual communism..
I don't see his actions supporting this view point.

I think the first scenario is way more probable than the latter, for the reasons that seem quite apparent.
The media's constant attacks on Trump, the attempted censorship of free speech, and Trumps international actions i.e. a reduction of the US military around the world.

All these action shows (to me) that Trump is definitely trying to destroy the federal reserve - and by association, world banking system.

So why is Turkey relevant?
It isn't in of itself..
But what is relevant - is that Trump is implementing tariffs. This causes disruption.

This cause fiat currencies to lose their value - rapidly.


And if paper currencies lose their do the central banks. No matter how much counterfeit printing they do, if it's worth nothing, it's still worth nothing after printing..

By collapsing currencies, you collapse the hold that the central banks have...

This could possibly be the least painful option to a transition to another system (crypto and gold?).
But it will be painful, make no mistake. It will be chaotic for a while..

The only product banks sell, is debt. The only weapon they have is fiat money, interest rates., inflation - And war.

Logically, if you undermine all these financial tools, asthe tools of power they have now (by making them worthless), you take away the power of the banks ... Just like that!
...And at the same time, you give value back to real money, you give the power back to the people. - Gold, silver, (and crypto?)...

Turkey is part of a wider strategy, in my opinion, and not a black swan event.

IF the msm start talking about any event as a black swan event (Turkey or any other country) - you know it's a Trump controlled collapse strategy.

The only option for a devaluing fiat currency and irrelevant money - is to go to war....And that is looking less an less likely, day by day..
The federals reserve's teeth are looking decidedly wonky right now..


And Trump is the dentist with the pliers. Open wide please.....

It would be hilarious if Trump and co. , owned most of BTC, LTC, STEEM, et al...


I agree that Trump is engineering this. Erdogan thinks he is too.
It could lead to de-dollarisation and the unseating of the US$ as the world's reserve currency in favour of the Yuan, but I don't think China is strong or stable enough.
More likely stronger US economy & US$ and also stronger Crypto.

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@lucylin Warning if you keep bringing up to many things that are related to the truth : Your family and friends will start thinking your a alien.

Nice post my alien informationwar warrior.

lolololol...too late, my friend

rep now up to 59.903 -
....get me some upvotes on things!(I even asked berniesanders!)

lol -its worth $30 to the informationwar kitty! - nearly at 60! wooohoooo!

OK Genius, so tell me- When LAMBO? How much longer I gotta hold on?

@lucylin Thank you for not using bidbots on this post and also using the #nobidbot tag!

I go with this probable option.

And close my eyes and wish with all my might!

Pull it! Pull it!

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