Bilge is better than steemit...?

in #blog6 years ago

edit woods - Copy - Copy (3) - Copy.jpg

I haven't been writing too much on steemit this week, and there's a reason for that.
I've been writing masses elsewhere.
(or copy pasting and adjusting to make it my own, to be more accurate).

I now have 3 websites up and running with affiliate links for products!
They're nothing amazing, and most certainly can - and will be - improved upon as I keep forging ahead with them.
(I hope to have about 20 or 25).

Here's the thing - they don't really return much, commission wise- until after a few months and a serious amount of time promoting them in the necessary areas - which is monumentally boring..
I have made nearly $1.50 so far, in commissions.
Not a lot , I know - but more than I thought after a few days with 3 sites. (well 2 really, I've only just finished the third).

They will be earning 24 hours a day, 7 days a week however, and if things continue as I see it, making $30/40 a day doesn't seem to be too unreasonable.
That's a lot of money in my world, and will give me lots of time to focus on steemit ( I was hoping to be making $10/15 a day from steemit, after a year - and gave it a 12 months trial run.)
That never materialized.

This means I won't be - short term - spending as much time on steemit, as I can only use my minutes once, and using them to now to build sites to make an income in the future, is more important than writing for the pleasure of it.
(that's steemit, btw).

It was HF20 that gave me the kick up the arse to look elsewhere to make a small income.

....And the @themarkymark stat of circa 10,000 active users on the platform - after 2 year s of operating, was the final push I needed.

To say that was a disappointing statistic was an understatement.
And the potential of this site achieving what I thought it was going to be took a hit, I can't deny it.
How much positivity do you keep applying , before you you see_what is_ , and not what it 'should' be?
(oh, and smt's, lets not forget those - whatever they are).

edit woods - Copy - Copy (3) - Copy.jpg

Time wise, it makes more logical sense to make the money elsewhere and then put it into steem, if you think it has a future as a cryptocurrency - rather than trying to grow the account through (my) writing blogs.

I will still be writing my truth a couple of times a day, I hope - but my priority - for now - will be building more sites..
(building?- copy and pasting more like ).

I'm sad that I can't make enough on here, writing about real things in life, and my life - and I can make more writing bilge...
I've met some really cool people on here, but I'm also sad that steemit success relies on sucking up and playing politics with idiots . Idiots with thin skins and a fearful outlook on life.
Oh well, what's new?

So I'm not going anywhere, but I may not be knocking out 4 or 5 blogs a day, and interacting as much - not in the short term, anyway.

Just letting people know what's happening...


Can't blame ya. Although you're only going to find more of the same elsewhere. The next FB isn't out there yet but best of luck! I'll be watching for your posts wherever I c em! ;)

I'm not going anywhere ! lol - I'll still be posting (each day I hope).
....Just applying more time to making stupid websites to up my income.

It just means I'll be interacting little less.
I'm not looking for another social media site to do the same..

GL wherever ya venture!

Don't stay gone too long. We need more straight shooters around here

I'm still around, just less time on steemit as before. For now.
I still hope to post everyday.

I hear you man and I don't post much these days either. I mainly upvote and resteem minnow content, that's kind of my mission now.

you always help us. god bless you Mr. mantishands.

Thank you @ykdesign
Keep up the positive vibes

most welcome Mr. mantishands

Thank you for the upvote and resteem....I appreciate it..

You're welcome @karbon! It's a great picture. I'm a bird hunter and bird watcher and I look forward to following your work.

I was hoping to be making $10/15 a day from steemit

You would need to put a lot in here to take that out of here I would think.

but I'm also sad that steemit success relies on sucking up and playing politics with idiots

Not sure that is the case tbh as I rarely talk to anyone on here, other than a small group of like minded ish people.

Hope the sites work out well for you all the same.

You would need to put a lot in here to take that out of here I would think.

Yeah, I was thinking 12 months of regular posting would/could deliver that.
(my first few weeks with big upvotes that I received -like $100' and such - $10 seemed realistic as an average..)

The sites are pain in the arse, boring, and time intensive (to begin with).
But once they mature a little,(6-9 months) I recon $30/40 a day is not too difficult - with minimal attention at that point.
That additional kind of money makes me very comfortable, here..

I'll still be here, no worries 'bout that, but a little less commenting etc, for now.
The website shite seems more stable than steemit, for extra income, and once up and running, kinda look after their selves..

I used to get $100 - $150 on here each post as you maybe seen, but everyone seems to have put there sp in bidbots now for the most part, so them days are long gone.

$30 - 40 a day in Thailand? Yep I can see how that would make life comfortable.

Hope it works out for you as planned my friend, as they say "nothing ventured, nothing gained."

I can understand what you are feeling. This platform is not based on 'proof of brain' as it is claimed. One who can feed bots or have too much SP can do whatever he/she likes. It becomes very difficult to stay motivated when things don't produce as they should have produced. Hard workers easily get dejected in this situation. It is not bad at all to earn something for hard work. Best of luck!

I'm not shakespeare, nor socrates, but I do put the effort in.
And will continue to do so.

Once I have my sites up and running, I would much prefer to write content here, but like I said, I gave it a 12 month trial to see if could consistently do $10 a day.
As I can't do this (for now), I have to secure it elsewhere, which is no bad thing.
Looking at the income I can find in doing other things, it's actually possible to buy steem, rather than earn it here ( I believe it can have a future, btw)

I ain't gong anywhere, just a little less active for a week, or 10

I read your blogs regularly. You raise valid points. Proof of brain is a great concept but people don't have time to read so many things here. I do get upvotes but just a few comments. It means people vote but don't read. This is the problem. But, no one can be blamed for this as it is not an easy thing to read so many posts of hundreds of users and select them.

I upvoted you, and I do actually read comments! lol

As I wrote in the original piece - the 'chiller' came when @themarkymark worked out around 10k active users.
That just isn't enough people on a platform to garner the 'proof of brain', income. Not for the model to work. (imo)
(I truly didn't see $10 a day as being greedy

10k?- It's a tiny amount of people on a social media platform..

10k?- It's a tiny amount of people on a social media platform..

This is the real problem of this platform.
I think upvoting on a comment doesn't make a comment profitable if the value of upvote is below $ 0.02 as amount this is considered dust. That's why I never upvote
comments usually. Instead of it, I upvote posts of the person who makes nice comment as a post has more chances to receive upvotes from other users. It increases profitability. Profit earning is everyone's motto here. Voting power is everything so it should not be wasted imo.

After HF20, my RC is very low, can't do more vote or comments. grate article. appreciate your great work.

why is your RC so low, now...?

for commenting and upvoting, i have small sp.

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