Background information re:tron, Genies, and authoritarianism....A Mondays meandering.

in #blog4 years ago

This is in part response to @jrcornel 's post that I've just been reading and about the recent developments concerning tron/steem, justin, blah blah...

I was going to write a piece a while back, on 'Alibaba Jack'. (nothing to do with Tron at the time).
Because the dichotomy of communist China and the 'capitalist' explosion there, intrigued me - and so I went trying to look 'behind the curtain' to try and make some sense of it all.
Everything in China, is sanctioned by 'the' authoritarian regime. Everything.
.... So I did some more digging.
I found a lot of information supporting this picture , and I found out that no one does anything without prior approval from the top, in pretty much 100% of cases.
That includes Alibaba Jack, to.

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I won't bother posting all my findings ( mostly because I can't find them or have deleted them), but I grabbed a couple of headlines and speeches, that might give you some idea....

In recent years the relationship between China’s Communist Party and its tech giants, arguably among the biggest successes of China, has drawn closer. The party sees tech as a vehicle for economic transformation, as well as to monitor society and maintain stability. But tech is also something to control, particularly when it comes to expression online, and there has been talk of the government taking stakes in technology companies.

Now I would posit that 'as well as to monitor society and maintain stability' is THE point.
It's what authoritarian obsession IS, after all.
The rest are details, maintaining control is the overriding factor.

'Alibaba Jack' has been a communist party member for quite a while...

....he discussed how he once worked at a Chinese state-owned enterprise, which led him to tell early Alibaba employees they should be “in love with the government [but] don’t marry them.”

....he said. “The first is China’s political stability, there’s no other country the entire world with this type of environment."

"In the past five years under the Communist party, I really think it’s gotten more amazing, [the party’s] ability to improve itself and re-invent itself." (2017 ish)

Yeah, about that..... jumping forwards to 2020, Wuhan, and with the apparent 'genocide' taking place in the name of controlling a bad flu bug, I would beg to differ on 'the reinventing' itself part.
Tens of millions now in 'quarantine', and private transport now banned , in a province of 58 million people, shouts 'authoritarian control freaks', and not an 'amazing party capable of reinventing itself.'

Remember any steemit posts from people, the 'useful idiots', who thought it was somehow clever, progressive, and 'enlightened' to spout off about 'depopulation seemed like a good idea?', or 'it wouldn't be bad thing?'
I do.
As long as its not your parents, or wife, or girlfriend, or children, eh?
I wonder if these same people are furtively masturbating at night, seeing the depopulation occur, right before their very eyes?
Sociopathic tossers.

Authoritarian regimes come out in full color, and show their faces ....courtesy of a virus.


These are clips from things happening today, right now, when an authority is feeling dissent, when it feels 'not in control'
Nice, uh?
You can always tell the Neanderthals (the lovers of authority) - because as soon as you say something, and they lose their argument - violence is threatened, or used.
Because they don't have the brain cells to fight, intellectually.

Logical argument and facts are not relevant - only the narrative.
THEIR narrative.
Their story.
Propaganda is king.
....And then knuckles, truncheons, threats, and stupid ideology, are the only tools they can use.
Once the truth, not propaganda, are out, quelling the truth with violence becomes the only way.
Dickheads with a bad case of 'penis inferiority complex', most probably.

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If you think that's a cynical view , I would counter that by saying 'that to think that, your naivety and lack of understanding of the authoritarian mindset, is blatantly apparent'.
Get a passport, and interact with different peoples.
It's good for you, although probably not the best idea, right now, considering that we have a bio weapon spreading around the globe at the moment.
Having lived and worked in Hong Kong, for over a year, with Chinese people, I know that they can have quite a different outlook on life.( compared to the western cultures).
(I do not claim to fully understand the mindset - living there fo a year there is hardly any time at all, not to truly 'get' a culture.... is does however, give me some insight).

Moving on....Back to Justin...

Now, if you also consider that 'political economics' is a social 'science', (and thats' the topic that Justins masters degree is in) , who's fundamental educational perspective, is one rooted in leftist ideology.

It's the studying of what should be, and encouraging the need to be change agents - away from the natural economic dynamics that support free market capitalism.

Now..... also consider 'Ali Jack' and choosing Justin to work with him..... out of a plethora of people to choose from.

Why would he choose him?

Would Soros, (for example) - ever consider employing anyone that didn't align with his own ideological ends, or at least, choose people that are easily manipulated to help him realize his own ambitions?
Do you think Soros fronts his subversive organisations?
No of course not, he gets others to do his dirty work (useful idiots or otherwise).
He gets others to act out his ambitions.
USAID for example (closely aligned with Soros, and his NGO's) by giving money to various 'charities' also creates access.
Access that enables operations to be carried out covertly, by the deep state intelligence agencies, in countries where they would not normally 'be welcome'.

(I've done some deeeeeeeeeeeeeep dives into the various NGO's, Soros, and there governmental ties and connections . If these are of interest, and you'd like me to publish my findings on steem-it, let me know.
The intricate web of connections are both depressing and surprising.

Naive people...

Naive people are so nice as individuals.
They're funny, and silly, and lighthearted , and 'free'.

I'm not a manipulator, nor a politician, nor an authoritarian sycophant, - and I don't see 'the naive' as target's.
As people to be taken advantage of.

Politicians and manipulators of men DO see the naive as targets.

As sheeple. As fodder.

....Naive people can to be directed and molded to 'others wills', quite easily, and in doing so, the manipulators ('influencers') gain personal advantage from it.

Essentially, manipulative authoritarians are scared little children living in adult bodies, who somehow can't manage to get past their abandonment issues.

I'm neither a socialist, nor a virtue signaling, or social justice warrior- who are, fundamentally, the low IQ useful idiots of the leftist ideology, who serve their masters.
They don't realize who's interests they're serving, of course. Doh!
Antifa are a perfect example of useful idiots, manipulators, and neanderthal knuckle daggers, all rolled into one.

It's what the leftist manipulators count on in fact- for people's naivety to blind them to the bigger picture of intent.

Blind the naive to the motivations of the 'bad people'.
(....the naive on this platform will be the ones to 'take offence' at my 'naive' statements...Bless).

For clarity...
'Bad people' = those who want to control others, through coercion.
Useful idiots = those who think they are doing something virtuous, while actually being manipulated by bad people.

So in summary, and getting back to the point of the post...

Don't be naive, don't be a useful idiot, and try see past the verbal 'nothingness', by trying to see the long term goals of the people involved.
A persons history, education, mentors, and environmental influences, can tell you volumes about their future, and the dark ambitions they would never tell you about openly...
You have to be 'not scared', to really look and see what's behind the curtain.

Many are petrified to do so, as it would smash their reality to smithereens, and their (naive) view of the world.

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I totally understand that.... and honestly? I don't blame them, not one bit.
If I had a choice (you can never have a choice in this particular decision)....would I choose sweet naivety or living outside of the matrix?....
Very possibly, sweet naivety...

Of course, by the very posing of the question, it means that you're not in the matrix any longer - and looking from the outside, and thus, the question becomes a total irrlevance.
You are where you are.

To keep it in the context of the post...

The genie is out of the bottle, (red pilled) and it ain't going back in - no matter how much you wish it could be otherwise.

And Alibaba ain't here to save you.

You are not in the club.

Deal with it.


Post your dirt - I want to see all your stincy bits!

Names, assets, lumps of snot freshly picked

I wonder how much SP ned still has in 'unknown' accounts?

Don't go there you will end up zoning out and picking your nose aimlessly...

I couldn't agree more. We've just jumped from the frying pan into the fire.


Who owns this company, and what's it's address?


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