
your kings and queens are especially famous for that , your home country was built on tears and blood of nice hardworking people all over the globe . f-king animals

they were the central banks. no capitalism with central banking.

It's closer to communism, actually - A central power (banking) deciding the price of things.
(price - supply and demand - being twisted without true a true price mechanism - i.e manipulated money....very communistic...)

all your knowledge about socialism/communism is based on what you heard from Rothschild's brain washing machine . (not interested in that)

If you want to explain me the difference between crony & "good" capitalism I am ready to listen . English is not my first language so make it simple and with some examples please

Good capitalism = agreeing to borrow something of someone, with a mutually agreed repayment scheme.

It's really that simple.

Your English is fucking good, matey! (much better than my serbian! 😂 - or siberian 😂)

you type English (with capital E) and then serbian + stupid joke about Siberia . very disrespectful my friend

No disrespect - it's how you chose to read it. How you perceived it, my friend.
I'll joke about anything I feel like, stupid or not.

You believe in socialism

Great example of your own lack of education.


LOL This is SO True!!

My family and I are being victimized by some people who are the epitome of your post. If it wasn't so horrible and personally terrorising it would be hilarious. It still is on some levels. Check my recent posts for examples. Wow... seriously wow.

hahahahahahaha, that is what capitalists do . they are lazy freeloaders who steal other people stuff

the socialists I've met are all 'takers' who are incapable of producing anything themselves. They spend more time complaining than accomplishing. All the while mooning over how wonderful it will be after I'm forced to share what I produced for myself and family. Go sniff reality instead of glue for a change, people around you will appreciate it. :)

just don't get too upset , its bad for your health and trip to hospital is VERY expensive ...

Thanks... :)

It's been a rather interesting series of events. Fortunately we have a recent crop of high CBD cannabis, which helps immensely. :D

Clinically delusional socialists... on a mission from god. lol

ok good ;-)

you need to understand the difference between capitalism and crony capitalism.

There can be no free market capitalism with central banking. Please understand this.

crony capitalism is theft.

Communism through the back door - it leads to centralization....

ok , explain to me what is the difference and give me some examples in history

There has been no free markets for centuries.

Monarchies, central banks - any concentration of powers (of money) destroys free market capitalism.

Capitalism isn't a post industrial revolution reality.

It's about borrowing someone elses resource in a mutually agreed contract. That's it.

It is a natural system. (see all of nature of supply and demand. Supply and demand are the seeds of capitalism. It never changes)

so if I understand correctly there is no good capitalism ?

You do no understand correctly then. lol.

It's not evil, is about a voluntary transaction of borrowing assets.

too lazy or stupid to make stuff
they'd rather take it.
there are three kinds of people in the world.
makers, takers, and fakers.

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