A pragmatic look at the Illuminati, fremasons, rothchilds...something, something, darkside....

in #blog7 years ago


You cannot research the Rothchilds for very long before coming across 'Illuminati' freemasonry, satanic rituals, and the rest...

This is my personal take on this, and needs to be understood in relation to my research regarding rothchilds, soros, et al.

Bad men do bad things.
Bad men and try to manipulate good (and other bad) men, by whatever means possible.

Religion, societies, blackmail, satanism - Whatever it takes.

Bad men will take any option, if it gives control over others. Bad men do not have the same moral code that the vast majority of people do.

I have no idea about the religious/satanic aspect of this story.

As it is almost impossible to prove as a reality, I accept the reality of these organizations existing.

A reality created by bad men, to further their cause, in my personal opinion.
(if these bad people actually believe it to be a reality - doesn't change my perceptive).

I am not interested in beliefs, (in this context),only the facts.

I think it's all bollox ! lol (as a reality).


The dark areas of the human psyche -and a manipulation tool by bad people - are employed - either through masonic rituals, or satanic sacrifices.
They are just tools to manipulate the not so smart.

I also feel symbols are used in the same way. While pushed as 'esoteric power symbols', - I think the power is derived from mass hypnosis, not some endemic power within the geometry itself..

If anyone has proof to the contrary regarding this, I'm totally open minded to other viewpoints...

The people, and groups, are real. - and more importantly - all the child sex murders/ trafficking - are very real.
Any delusions they have, makes them dangerous.

Ideologues in whatever form, are always the most dangerous useful idiots.

I see the 'people at the top' without ideology. Ideology is a tool to manipulate the less smart.

Total world domination is not ideological - it's closer to addiction...

Bringing down the 'evil' in this very real world, will stop all the evil actions they commit, or enable. - irrespective of what they believe.
Bringing down evil people must be achieved in the realms of empirical reality. In the free market of ideas and dialogue,
-and not some hokus pokus.

to paraphrase a rothchild..

" give me all the empirical facts, and open civilized dialogue, and I care not who runs the churches "

They are a symptom of centuries of delusions and manipulations - but not the engine.
They are not a cause of anything.


The 'original' Illuminati founder - Adam Weishaupt, and was the 'father' of marx's 'scientific socialism'.

Weishaupt philosophies are socialistic, and you can trace writings from him, to marx -and the various authors/philosophers authors in between - to an evolution that culminates in Das Kapital.

The centralization of socialist principles....

Who would have thought the logical conclusion of the evolution of the philosophy of communism - would end up being in one bible for all budding commies?

It should come as no surprise to anyone.


Centralization and authority – the gods of the communist.

It all started with the Illuminati!


.....At a time, however, when there was no end of making game of and abusing secret societies, I planned to make use of this human foible for a real and worthy goal, for the benefit of people.....

....the seeds of communism are borne...

On 1 May 1776 Johann Adam Weishaupt founded the "Illuminati" in the Electorate of Bavaria...... was not egalitarian or democratic internally, but sought to promote the doctrines of equality and freedom throughout society....
The actual character of the society was an elaborate network of spies and counter-spies. Each isolated cell of initiates reported to a superior, whom they did not know... a party structure that was effectively adopted by some later groups

He used Freemasonry to recruit for his own quasi-masonic society, with the goal of "perfecting human nature" through re-education to achieve a communal state with nature.....

source wikipedia



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Some books that could be interestings ...

I think you will have some fun with the links I leave you here XD As I told you before, it is strange that they have not putting down archive.org ;)

Pd: and also look for the Fabian Society ...

yup, it's fascinating - but I still hold the 'romance' of secret societies, devil worship et a, - are constructs - by the powers that be .

It's conspiracy theory on steroids....- before the internet.
And what better conspiracy do you need?

One that at the very hear of the conspiracy (religion in one form or another) can never be proved. The perfect sell. It can never be disproved...and leads lots of otherwise intelligent researches down rabbit holes with no end...

Perfect distraction tactics.

but I still hold the 'romance' of secret societies, devil worship et a, - are constructs - by the powers that be .

Could be how it all starter at the very beggining (who knows?) but after a time the thing have to start to become real or people will not follow.

And all this started much before the egyptians ... to try to achieve the max level of illumination (max knowledge) in any way without thinking about the costs is something so old as old is the humanity ;)

Knowledge is power and power ... people like it too much.

It's conspiracy theory on steroids....- before the internet.

Much before :P . For example, the first book, the man was there and saw it with his own eyes. You are telling he wrote this to distract people in 1798? Well, if I go down your path I can not believe anything I read because, how I would know the author is telling the true or not ... maybe is better I start to read normal fiction books XD

Of course you have to be a little skeptical but I think that with this you exaggerate a bit ;)

but after a time the thing have to start to become real or people will not follow.

...to start to become real in peoples minds doesn't make it real, it just makes the people delusional.

....it's not so much skeptical, more as looking at the whole 'Illuminati, freemason' stuff as window dressing offered to us, by the powers that be.

if you are looking at it from a very 'real world' perspective, that's what it becomes..

Window dressing distracts from other things...

Distraction is a talent they posses in abundance...

Distraction is a talent they posses in abundance...

This is true!

... at the whole 'Illuminati, freemason' stuff as window dressing offered to us, by the powers that be.

Well, I was (am) more interested about from where they got all the ideas ... ancient misteries and things like that ... I started there and the evolution brought me to the secret societies. Thats why, maybe i see all this with "other eyes" ;)

Tthey always have keeped some of this knowledge in between the game. You just have to look for it ... and of course, depreciate the garbage, very important XD

.. ancient misteries and things like that ...

the incomplete pyramid, stephen brabin - a mate of mine wrote that 10 years ago,or so.

If you like maths, you'll love it.

I found it as dull as dishwater as a read, lol - but the concepts - and mathematical arguments/proof - if you can understand it - are mind blowing..

I can only speak for myself when I say that it led me on a crazy journey. I have never chased money and now I look out at what is going on in the world and I understand why. It's the love of money that has corrupted the hearts of men, enslaved and destroyed the planet, slaughtered uncountable billions, and did horrible other things that don't need to even be mentioned. Giving any of our power to government is what led us here.
First of all who defined what wealth is? How does one measure wealth?
I choose spiritual life.

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