Want To Become A Blogger? Read This First!

in #blog7 years ago

Many of us aspire to become a full time blogger in life. Though we all are writing on steemit, but do we know how easy or difficult it is to become a professional blogger? 

It isn't easy, rather it is quite difficult to serve the audience with consistent quality content.

It looks quite easy from the reader's view, but only the writer know how much effort he has put on every single post and how it feels when he doesn't get the desired result.

Image Source: Pexels

Here are few challenges you might face if you decide to become a full time blogger.

1. Perception.

Image Source: Pixabay

It doesn't matter how good your blog is doing, most of the people still view blogging as a secondary job. According to them, you were not able to get a decent job that's why you opt for blogging. They consider blogging as a poor substitute for a corporate job.

So you should be ready to face criticism from them, and explain them why you prefer blogging over a corporate job.

If you have started blogging recently, then criticism would be more severe as most of the people would tell you, "It is very difficult to make a decent earning from internet and it is temporary, you should get a permanent job".

When you are an established blogger, a few people might understand, but most would still question about your future.


Nothing in this world is permanent, you could be kicked out of the job you have been working on for more than 10 years in a second. Your country could fail economically and everyone will be out of jobs at that time but people on the internet.

Internet is always thriving and there is always something new over there to do.

Everything takes time, whether it is a job or a company, you have to start from nothing and work all the way to the top.

Also, don't show anyone your struggles while you are new in blogging, show people the success you have achieved with those struggles. Everyone love to hear success stories after failures.

2. Overwork.

Image Source: Pixabay

Before becoming a blogger, most of the people would think that bloggers have a flexible life and they don't have to work daily like they would have to do in a job.

While their life would be more flexible and they could work at any time of day or night they would like to, but not in any way they will work less than 8-10 hours a day.

From making quality content to promoting it to commenting on other author's post and building a community, all this is just a start and there is still a lot to do everyday.

Most probably in a few month, you will end up being overworked, with your sleep cycle messed, your health deteriorated and you will be mentally drained but you would be still working.

The reason is you are not working physically, but mentally on a thing you like and you want to succeed more, so you can be obsessed with your blog and mess up your health.


Everything can be achieved through discipline. Make a proper schedule of all the important activities like writing, connecting etc. and strike out irrelevant activities from your daily life.

If you have a sound body with a sound mind, you can concentrate better on your goals.

3. Deciding the niche.

Image Source: Pexels

The most crucial thing one has to decide before becoming a blogger is the topic he will write about.

Having good writing skills doesn't assure your success in blogging. You have to decide a niche and build the foundation of your blog according to it.

You have to be careful while deciding it and it should benefit readers in some way. There is already a lot of competition out there in almost every field and if you want to garner some success, you should choose area having low competition.

A wrong decision will definitely end up in failure of your blog.


While it is advised to write in the area of your interest or the things you know, you should also see it from a reader's perspective. Would you want to read it as a reader or not.

Also, you should analyse if a large chunk of population would be interested in reading your articles or not, as people would generally like to read about how batman is better than ironman than articles about astrophysics.

You should spend a few week to decide your target audience so that you would know what topic you should write to get the maximum readers, as the only target of blogging is to garner maximum readers.

4. Quality and Consistency.

Image Source: Pixabay

Quality and consistency is the basic fuel for a successful blog. It is like a sea-saw, if you stress over one, you will start loosing other.

While it may look easy before writing, it is very difficult to keep both quality and consistency in your posts. If you don't have good quality, nobody will read and if you don't have consistency, nobody will notice.

So you have to be confident that you could maintain both of these.


The only way to maintain both quality and consistency is to read and write daily so you will get in the groove after a few months.

Although, in the initial days, it is suggested to have consistency while improving the quality slowly.

5. Interaction to build a community.

Image Source: Pexels

The only thing that can make even an average blog successful is generating a big amount of readers and followers. This can be done by building up a community of readers and interacting with as many people as you can.

So if you can't interact with unknown people easily, blogging isn't your cup of tea. And you will have a hard time to set up your blog at a reputed level. You might even fail before that if you don't interact with a lot of people daily.

You have to be on your toes to promote your content and blog, to grab every opportunity you get.


First thing you could do to generate readers for your post is to comment on other authors post. Comment as much as you can and as good as you can.

Chances would be high that if they like your comment, authors along with other readers would visit your blog and comment on your posts too and maybe even follow you.

Also, interact with established authors, they would always have a piece of advice for you and could help you grow a lot.

At the end, perseverance is the key to success.

The only thing you should ask yourself is why you want to write?


Do you think STEEM made blogging easier for people? Not writing part, but monetizing part?

A lot easier than anyone could think of, steemit is exceptionally cool for bloggers

Well yeah I agree with you. Becoming a full time blogger is not a piece of cake. It's exactly like any other 9-5 job with full dedication and hard work, plus you need creativity to get ahead in your own game. Being a professional blogger demands sleepless nights and whole lot of smart work.

Anyways great article by the way. Really deserves an upvote.

Thanks a lot, you have got what I wanted to say.

Great advice you are dishing out here! I'm not sure I will ever manage to reach a point that I can blog full time although that would be a nice goal to have my sights on in a rather distant future. I've been doing most of the things you mentioned and trying to interact with as many as I can but also study, go out and work 2 jobs at the moment so time is a scarce resource. There are only that many nights I am prepared to sleep for 5 hours. :D All the best to everyone out there that wants to grow as a content creator and develop an audience. Quality, consistency, original content, interacting with others and their content should go a long way towards that goal in the long run.

Thanks for such a great comment, you are living a hard life now, but surely you will reap the fruits of your labors one day.
Best of luck in achieving your goals.

Likewise! Take care and Steem on!

This post will definitely help me and is one of the better written help articles I've come across for new users like myself, so thank you.
Have a good one today!

I want to write about so many things and maybe that is bad I don't know, I love to try everything. Maybe I should concentrate on one thing as you said. Thank you for an informative text! Keep steeming!

Welcome, and keep trying, you will definitely find something.

Great post and thank to you from a brand new blogger, i have just posted my second one ever and boy its not easy. Lots of time spent and allot of effort and i appreciate what the full time blogger would go through, greta tips that im taking to heart

Thanks a lot.

yes, i agree with you @looftee. we need to work hard, think out of the box and maintain good relations with other bloggers.

a blogger can never achieve success if lonely, you have to build a community :)

That's true.

Excellent information! Thank you for sharing. ☆☆☆☆☆😎

Thanks for the five stars.

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