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RE: Many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people

in #blog7 years ago

I still haven't seen any indication that Trump is the anti-Christ.
The anti-Christ mocks god openly and publicly.

The sermon on the mount is foundational to Christianity.
I won't even go into what he says about Abraham.
Even the tone and the attitude while he is talking speaks volumes.

Trump hasn't done that. While I don't agree with his choice of "spiritual adviser," I believe that when Trump asks for prayers that God will give him wisdom to make the right decisions, that's not even close to what the anti-Christ will do.

Remember that in the book of Daniel, God used a complete non-believer to set the people free from the captivity in Babylon. King Cyrus was neither a Christian or a Jew. Yet God used him. Isaiah even prophesied about Cyrus before the Jews were into captivity. (Isaiah 44:24-28)

I won't say that the anti Christ is Obama or the Pope. But both have characteristics that meet the biblical definitions. But both could play parts in ushering the anti-Christ in, via the NWO.

I personally believe that Trump is sincere about his Christianity. He's not perfect, but then neither is any of us.

The anti-Christ could be someone who hasn't even come onto the scene yet, but I have never seen one biblical trait that fits Trump.

The books of of Daniel says that there are some things that won't be opened until the end.

Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

The MSM attacks Trump while they justify things that go completely against God and His word. With the level of attacks, (I've never seen anything like it,) that is one of the traits of the enemy. When God uses anyone, the enemy hates it and going into attack mode.

It's good to be watching for sure.


They are attacking him and it's completely unjustified but it's all apart of the deception. That's why people want to give Trump a chance, he's being treated unfairly compared to previous presidents. He sounds like he's different... But no one is going to be able to stop the dollar collapsing. The New World order is coming, the last two countries Iran and North Korea that need a central bank to complete the order. Those are the countries Trump is gunning for.

The, "whole world," does not love Trump. His USA approval ratings as of right now, are 41%,
North Korea is the only nation that doesn't have central banking.
"Central banking has truly taken over the entire planet. At this point, the only major nation on the globe that does not have a central bank is North Korea."
There were seven nations that did not have a centralized banking system in 2003, as of 2011, Iran became part of the Rothschild banking system.
Iran: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The only tie between N. Korea and Trump right now are the issues with S. Korea, and that country has been an issue for years and years.
Now you have me looking into banking systems, and ties to the Rothchilds.
Some very interesting information in that direction.

keep digging into the Rothschilds, and Zionist.... and don't be afraid to be labeled a tin-foil-hat nutcase for looking into the masons and Illuminati while you are at it. The pyramid is wide at the bottom, but the capstone will always be lucifer.

Did you see the electoral college map when Trump won the election?

That represented the districts, not the amount of people. As the far-left likes to point out, "Clinton won the popular vote." lol Sorry that always makes me chuckle a little bit. On a side note, I'm glad that there is an electoral college, it allows for all the states to have a say in who will be the president, it's not always about popular vote. If it were, only a few very liberal states would decide the election for the rest of the nation.

I agree I like the electoral college too, although the left likes to preach that Hillary won the popular vote, I don't buy it. You speak about how the media is attacking Trump, but you think they're telling you the truth on approval ratings?

I'm hope I'm not offending you johnnyyash, it's good to watch everything that's going on in the world. I'm not always great at that, but for me it has to be solid.
On a side note, I just logged on to one of my social network sites, and this was the first thing that I saw. (I added a link because the picture is graphic.)
Needless to say, she is now being investigated by the Secret Service.
When did doing something like that become acceptable? That is pure evil.
That ties more into the last days where the hearts of many wax cold, because lawless abounds.

You're not offending me. The article wasn't meant to be taken as fact, it was more just my opinion from further research.

It was a good conversation. It was nice meeting you and talking with you. I upvoted you. :)

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