Let go of control - what happens when you release the control

in #blog6 years ago

What happens when you release control? Often you are amazed at how well life saves without you worrying about it.


This will take some time

A while ago I was in the Den Haag at the visa office. I recognized the friendly guy at the desk from two years earlier. Admittedly, he was easy to recognize because of his turban.

But not only that. He was also remarkably calm. No rush - he just quietly did his job. And that in itself was nice to see.

Were it not that he was also very slow. Combined with a number of very poorly prepared predecessors, I could already see the rain: this will take a few hours.

And that thought - that I would spend my entire morning in that office - made me uneasy.
And a little frustrated. Because I was well prepared, I had done my homework. So why do I have to wait so long for all those people who do not read well?

I have no control over it

Very nice that I'm frustrated there - but it does not add anything. I once observed the spectacle without judgment. It seemed to be in slow motion, with so much calm and patience. Not efficient, rather the opposite. But it was actually quite soothing to see people so busy for me.

  • And then I thought: I have no control at all, so I do not need to feel frustrated either.

I wanted to submit my visa application that morning, and I wanted to do it in Den Haag.
Those were my choices. And it has to happen anyway, and I am already here. I can not (reasonably) influence the queue, and I can not control how well people are preparing. I can not determine how fast that nice boy works.

So there seemed to be only one logical reaction about: amusing myself and embracing the situation. Observing the frustration and enjoying it, and just sit and wait.
It does not have to be that difficult.


As soon as you let go, everything becomes simpler

Of course, life does not always just look great when you let go of control. But in this case, I did not let go of the check. I let go of my urge for control, because I did not have control anyway.

I relaxed. I did a mindfulness exercise, calmed my breathing and I enjoyed my presence in space.

And suddenly it turned out that the older couple was so badly prepared for us that they got up after just a minute or two. And then suddenly I had my turn - BAM!

If you have no control over it, let it go

It is so tempting to think that you can control the world around you. And it is so easy to experience frustration, anger, impatience and irritation if you find that life unfolds differently than you envision.

And it is at the same time so illogical. It is wasted energy, unnecessary stress hormones. If you have no control over it - stop demanding that it was different. And embrace reality.

Embracing reality means that you let go of control. That you just let life be. That you accept it as it comes and dare to embrace it, even if the outcome does not appeal to you.

I found the inspiration for this blog on sophiamagazine.nl
and sources I used are thisisbrainy.com and yourownlife.org


Anytime I read your poat there is something i tend to pick.

as soon as you let go everything becomes simpler..

Truly it becomes simpler.. Very good post.

Anotger one i loved was when you embrace reality, you let go of control.
For me i just tell my self that what will be ,will be...

I feel exactly the same in Panama. No rush, let's enjoy each day ;) Greetings my friend

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