Why is there's no life in other planets

in #blog6 years ago


We are not completely sure that there is no form of life on any of the other planets and that is one of the things that space exploration is trying to find out. But we do know that for life to exist, certain conditions must be present. All living things require certain things like light, water, food, oxygen and the right temperature. But do all these conditions necessary for life exist on any other planet? It does not seem that way, judging by what we know so far about conditions on the other planets. Venus is more like Earth than any other planet, but the surface is approximately 800°F. Life as we know it could not exist there. Planets like Jupiter and Saturn are convered by very thick layers of clouds made up of gases that are poisonous to us. Each planet seems to have some conditions that either make life impossible or do not have the conditions necessary for life.



Mars is a planet that is covered by a stony desert that contains lots of iron oxide. This makes it appear to be a rusty-red colour. The water and oxygen this planet once had are now locked in the rusty iron deposits.

resources: Tell me Why (Chancellor Press)
image 1: http://ichef.bbci.co.uk/wwfeatures/wm/live/1280_640/images/live/p0/2r/cg/p02rcg47.jpg 
image 2: https://img.purch.com/w/660/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5zcGFjZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzNi85MTQvb3JpZ2luYWwvY2xvc2VzdC1tYXJzLmpwZw==


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