in #blog6 years ago (edited)


7 days and counting since I last dropped a post in this blogly blog of mine. I could always throw the blame around but we all know that sometimes it's better to swallow some male ego and accept that it was your fault. Allow me to explain:

  • I could easily blame the fact that the power supply in my area is faulty and the cost of running a generator as an alternative source of power, is quite high. This could be solved if I decide to just once and for all budget some more cash to get fuel to run my generator.
  • I could also blame the fact that my ASUS transformer notebook is too small to accommodate all my online needs. All I need to do is bloodily get a better laptop with better characteristics.
  • Then there are the women in my life, who I have to show a lot of love to, but deep within my soul I know that I will have to marry one, so why not get my eyes straight and write my blogs.
  • How about my service providers that decided to go on a sabbatical for the last 1 week, taking my data services along with them. I could easily have gotten another service provider to fill their slot, but I didn't.

The truth is, any way you would love to look at it, there really aren't;t any tangible excuses to stay away from something you love and enjoy doing. You have to decide and take a stand to ensure that nothing and no one, yourself included can stop you from being and doing you.


A lot has been happening in my life.

  • My home studio is finally ready with the exception of a few gears that would come in by the month end, maybe I'll give you a preview of one of my midnight productions tomorrow for the open-mic contest
  • I recently met 2 ladies that have brought some more stories into my life, some quite funny and others daringly promising, but am I ready for commitment? Now this is asides from the fact that my sweetheart who seems to think that I have fallen out of love with her
  • I also started a new tv/youtube series which I titled THE SPIRITUALITY OF WORSHIP where I aim to revolutionize the worship experience in our churches.
  • I also have started my own company KLYNIC ENTERPRISES, more information on that later
  • so you see, I haven't really been quiet. I have been making the steemit community happy on the offline, and I intend to do more.

    The truth is, I know that there is a lot more I can do and a lot more I can achieve and my entrance into this community really shed the light that made a bunch of my success stories today possible.

    So take note, writing is a passion that cannot be easily won over by the red lines in the market. If it's on you then it's in you. @tarazkp will be the best person to use while explaining this. Ginabot never lets me miss all his blog posts which he spits out by the minute. Talk about inspiration, precision, and speed in delivering posts that always have a piece of him.

    So this is me saying that I'll do my best to flood your timelines with my amazing mind and my awesome life and plenty of videos.

    stay expectant.

    yours truly



    Well I guess you have been busy, busy, busy. Nice to see your post and get the update on your status, seems like you are getting ready to turn in your "player's card " status and settling down , good for you.
    I'll stay expectant...

    What a wonderful, positive post! We need more upbeat and inspirational posts here, posts of encouragement to others as well as ourselves! Bravo! 💙

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