The Importance of Weekends to Prevent Burnout

in #blog7 years ago


For many westerners the work week starts on Monday and ends on Friday, allowing for 2 full day weekend free of any sort of expected task, job or service. However for those who've ventured out beyond the confines of the 9 to 5 work week it's often not uncommon to run into tracts of time where one forgets to allow time off to tend to other business or pleasure.

It's May long weekend up here in Canada and while I'd not gotten out to camp nor take in any entertainment as I'd hoped it was a nice relaxing weekend. The previous weeks blitzkrieg to get the @tippy service coded and operational had left me with very little energy, but after a few days rest feeling much more able to focus to achieve the zone needed to get back to work tomorrow. Still have so much to do, but feeling far less exhausted than I did before.

Did manage to find some time outside which was nice. All too often I've found little to no reason to go outside and enjoy the warmer weather that's swept into the prairies. Something simple as mowing the grass and doing a bit of weed whacking can be nice to get the mind off of work and allow time to relax while taking in a bit of fresh air.

Looking forward to getting back into the groove and making the finishing dash on the @tippy project to get some public testing going on as well as gear up for the services launch.

May have a wee fire in the back yard tonight assuming the rain clouds in the area keep to themselves. Hope everyone had a good weekend. Back to the grind tomorrow!


A Proud STEEMbassador of Canada

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Dude I wish you lived in Europe. Would love to hang out some time. I can relate to burnout. I have a habit of obsessing over my projects at the expense of sleep and socializing. It's extremely detrimental to mental and physical health, in fact I've had some significant problems because of this behavior.

During these periods, time itself gets blurry. It's not good enough to "try to be disciplined". My advice is to tell loved ones about your habit of overdoing things, and ask them to let you know when you've been isolating yourself.

Now that the currency is back up and rewards have such huge potential, I think it's important people realize "Steemer Fever" is very real!


You worded it very well here. Run myself into the ground trying to get progress going often to the detriment of my code. D:

Working on getting my passport here in a bit. Will come visit once I do.

Awesome :)

Steemer Fever!!....

I just have one question.
What's a weekend?

I was asking myself that as well and decided to try and investigate. :P

For self employed developers it is a null object

I like your drawing style not many like it on here

Much appreciated. Before I fully realized I was competent with code I doodled a fair amount.

Cool! I had a nice long weekend too!

Glad to hear man. It was nice to kick back and relax for a bit. Hoping this new found rested feeling gives me an edge tomorrow when I go tackle what needs done.

Was wondering where my main man went! Great to see you back! :)
Let me know when you want me to test the tip!

Will do sir. Took some much needed time away from staring at lines of code to refresh the mind to get back at it.

Hopefully get some testing time going near the end of the week.

It is good to refresh the mind & soul! it is a must. I'll be around at the end of the week to be the 1st tester baby!

Outside and a wee fire does mean relaxing joy. Hope it sets you up for the week ahead dude!

Getting moving today!

Toperoo, me too!

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